Frontend buyer application for Inoket.
- Python app, based on the Flask framework
Install Virtualenv
sudo easy_install virtualenv
The buyer frontend app requires access to both the API (for service pages) and to the search API (for search results). The location and access tokens for these services is set with environment variables.
For development you can either point the environment variables to use the
preview environment's API
and Search API
boxes, or use local API instances if
you have them running:
export DM_DATA_API_URL=http://localhost:5000
export DM_DATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth_token_accepted_by_api>
export DM_SEARCH_API_URL=http://localhost:5001
export DM_SEARCH_API_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth_token_accepted_by_search_api>
is a token accepted by the Data API
instance pointed to by DM_API_URL
is a token accepted by the Search API instance pointed to by DM_SEARCH_API_URL
virtualenv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Install new Python dependencies with pip
pip install -r requirements_for_test.txt
Install frontend dependencies with npm and gulp
npm install
First, make sure you've cloned cirrus-base-template in the same directory as this repo. So that's one level up from where this README is. For instance, if you have a single directory called Code for all your projects, you should have both this repo and cirrus-base-template in it:
$ ls $HOME/Code/
We will be making site-wide style changes to the cirrus-base-template, so we need the buyer-frontend to 'watch' any changes to the other repo.
You will also need to make sure you're running the API. Please see the README for the cirrus-marketplace-api.
But first you can start the server in the way outlined above, ie. easy_install virtualenv, exporting env vars and creating the virtual env like so:
export DM_API_AUTH_TOKENS=myToken
export DM_ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://localhost:9200
export DM_ENVIRONMENT=development
export DM_LOG_PATH=$HOME/cirruslogs
cd cirrus-buyer-frontend;
virtualenv ./venv;
source ./venv/bin/activate;
pip install -r requirements.txt;
yes | npm install;
Fishmongers should use this. It requires
set -x DM_API_AUTH_TOKENS myToken
set -x DM_ELASTICSEARCH_URL http://localhost:9200
set -x DM_ENVIRONMENT development
set -x DM_LOG_PATH $HOME/cirruslogs
cd cirrus-buyer-frontend;
vf new buyervenv;
vf activate buyervenv;
pip install -r requirements.txt;
yes | npm install;
Then, in a new terminal, start this here to watch the local files of the other repo and be able to edit them easily there:
npm run frontend-build:watch
This will then watch any changes to cirrus-base-template and update the view accordingly. You will have to refresh the page though, sorry!
It looks for it in the folder above this one, so hence why the two repos must be in the same place.
To run the whole testsuite:
To only run the JavaScript tests:
npm test
To run the Buyer Frontend App for local development you can use the convenient run script, which sets the required environment variables to defaults if they have not already been set:
More generally, the command to start the server is:
python runserver
The buyer app runs on port 5002 by default. Use the app at
To use feature flags, check out the documentation in (the README of) digitalmarketplace-utils.
Front-end code (both development and production) is compiled using Node and Gulp.
You need Node (minimum version of 0.10.0, maximum version 0.12.x), which will also get you NPM, Node's package management tool.
To check the version you're running, type:
node --version
To install the required Node modules, type:
npm install
NPM is used for all frontend build tasks. The commands available are:
npm run frontend-build:development
(compile the frontend files for development)npm run frontend-build:production
(compile the frontend files for production)npm run frontend-build:watch
(watch all frontend files & rebuild when anything changes)npm run frontend-install
(install all non-NPM dependancies)
Note: npm run frontend-install
is run automatically as a post-install task when you run npm install
To run the JavaScript tests, navigate to spec/javascripts/support/
and open LocalTestRunner.html
in a browser.
TODO: Add a Gulp task which is run as part of ./scripts/