dependency-order is a module for ordering your included modules in the correct order. For instance, when you need to include your Bower files in your html page or grunt/gulp/etc packager, they need to be ordered in such a way that the dependencies are included before the files that rely on them. This module takes your bower.json/package.json/etc file and returns an array of the order in which the dependencies need to be included in your project.
npm install -g dependency-orderer
- get the output of your dependencies, for example, in Bower use
bower list -json
- include dependency-orderer in your node file, and pass it the result of your dependency list
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var dependency_orderer = require('dependency-orderer');
var dependency_array;
exec('bower list -json', function(err,stdout,stderr){
if(err) return console.log(err);
dependency_array = dependency_orderer(JSON.parse(stdout));
// do what you need with your dependency_array
Dependency-orderer is intended to be a lightweight implementation and simply returns an array in the order your javascripts should be included in the page.
If you're using bower, you can get a list of the javascript file locations via
bower list -p
will return an object where the module name is the key and the included files are the value. Note, the value can be either an array or a single file. as an example,
"jquery": "bower_components/jquery/jquery.js",
"moment": "bower_components/moment",
"angular": "bower_components/angular/angular.js",
"underscore": "bower_components/underscore",
"restangular": "bower_components/restangular/dist/restangular.js"
Dependency-orderer, will only return the array in order, you'll have to build the implementation you need to get the javascript from the files. However, Favor.module-manager will have an implementation for packaging your javascript files in order using gulp.