This is a node-express api along with react frontend
To install all the dependencies for node server run the below command in root directory:
npm install
To setup the frontend react app browse to /views and run below command:
npm install
To run backend server run command npm start in the root directory
To run frontend app run command npm start in the /views directory
To run backend test suite run npm test in the root directory
To run frontend test suite run CI=true npm test in the /views directory
GET /medianprime?num=10
/views: the frontend react project
/routes: the routes for the node server
/controllers: the controller for the endpoint in routes. Controller calls the service
/services: the service which is being called by controller
/controller: the tests for the controllers, services and the utility function
constants.js: the static error handling messages used in the controller
utils.js: the helper utility functions being used in the project