This scraper is designed to fetch financial data, specifically technical indicators and pivot points, from TradingView in a performant way. The scraper efficiently extracts this data for multiple asset pairs across various time intervals, using Selenium for web automation and Pydantic for data validation.
PT-BR: Scraper projetado para buscar dados financeiros, especificamente indicadores técnicos e pontos pivôs, do TradingView de forma eficiente. O scraper extrai esses dados de maneira eficiente para múltiplos pares de ativos em vários intervalos de tempo, utilizando Selenium para automação web e Pydantic para validação de dados.
- Performance-Oriented: The scraper uses
to minimize unnecessary waits, ensuring efficient scraping. - Technical Indicators: Fetches oscillators and moving averages for specified asset pairs.
- Pivot Points: Retrieves pivot points in different formats (Classic, Fibonacci, Camarilla, Woodie, DM).
- Customizable Intervals: Scrapes data for a variety of time intervals (1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 1D, 1W, 1M).
- Structured Data: The extracted data is validated using Pydantic models, making it easier to integrate into other systems or databases.
├── pairs.json # List of asset pairs to scrape
├── pyproject.toml # Python project configuration
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── src/
│ ├── # ChromeDriver setup and configuration
│ ├── # Main script to run the scraper
│ └── # Pydantic models for structured data
└── uv.lock # Lockfile for dependencies
Follow the steps below to set up the project and run the scraper.
git clone
cd TradingViewScraper
Make sure you have Python installed. Create a virtual environment to isolate the project dependencies:
python -m venv venv
On Windows:
On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
With the virtual environment activated, install the required dependencies from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure you have ChromeDriver installed and available in your system's PATH. Alternatively, modify
to point to your ChromeDriver executable.
The scraper uses a JSON file (pairs.json
) that contains a list of asset pairs to scrape. Once everything is set up, run the scraper:
python src/
The script will scrape the financial data for the pairs and intervals specified in the code, outputting the results to the console.
- The scraper is optimized for performance with WebDriver waits to ensure it only interacts with the page when elements are ready.
- Make sure your internet connection is stable, as the scraper fetches data from TradingView.
- You can customize the time intervals and pairs by editing the
list and thepairs.json