In addition to the main components already presented in the Introduction, the PEG_LIST package contains a whole set of metadata listed hereafter by type.
Some of important ones (e.g. see Utility Component) have their own detailed description pages (a link being then provided).
There are some LWC display components used by the App Builder ones:
sfpegTileDsp displays a record tile (for the sfpegListCmp component in tile mode)
sfpegFieldDsp displays a field with the proper lightning-formatted-XXX according to its type (for the sfpegCardDsp component)
sfpegIconDsp displays an lightning-icon
sfpegPopupDsp to display various pop ups, leveraging promises to await user interaction result
sfpegWarningDsp to display error messages
A single Aura display component is used by other Aura components:
- sfpegFlowDsp displays a Flow within a modal popup triggered by the sfpegActionUtilityCmp utility component
The sfpegActionBarCmp component is also included in most other App Builder components to display an action bar.
There are 3 LWC utility components used by the App Builder ones:
sfpegJsonUtl to execute various operations on JSON objects and lists (flattening, hierarchy init for lightning-datatree component, sorting, filtering, formatting...)
sfpegMergeUtl to manage context merge within text variables, extracting tokens, fetching/caching required data and replacing tokens by data.
sfpegCsvUtl to generate and download a CSV file out of JSON list
The sfpegActionBarCmp component is also included in all other App Builder components to provide the customisable action execution utility. It may be explicitely displayed or not.
3 Messages Channels are available to trigger actions remotely on the sfActionBarCmp component family:
sfpegAction enables to trigger an action on the sfpegActionHandlerCmp utility component (typically to request the enforcement of the Console configuration when navigating to a record).
sfpegCustomAction to trigger an action on custom LWC components from a sfActionBarCmp component (e.g. to trigger a custom action not supported by its framework).
sfpegCustomNotification to trigger an action on sfActionBarCmp components configured to subscribe to channels (e.g. to trigger sfpegListCmp refreshes).
For configuration retrieval and component specific server side logic execution, a set of Aura enabled Apex controller classes has been defined:
sfpegAction_CTL enables to retrieve sfpegAction__mdt record configuration details and execute DML operations or Apex actions (implementing the **** virtual interface defined by the sfpegAction_SVC class)
sfpegCard__CTL enables to retrieve sfpegCard__mdt record configuration details
sfpegCardList__CTL enables to retrieve sfpegCardList__mdt record configuration details
sfpegKpiList__CTL enables to retrieve sfpegKpiList__mdt record configuration details
sfpegList_CTL enables to retrieve sfpegList__mdt record configuration details and execute DML operations or Apex actions (implementing the virtual interface defined by the sfpegListQuery_SVC class)
sfpegMerge_CTL enables to retrieve various metadata to be used within merge tokens by the sfpegMergeUtl component (including data from the sfpegConfiguration__mdt records)
sfpegMessage_CTL enables to retrieve sfpegMessage__mdt record configuration details
sfpegProfile_CTL enables to retrieve sfpegProfile__mdt record configuration details
sfpegRecordDisplay_CTL enables to retrieve sfpegRecordDisplay__mdt record configuration details
For App Builder configuration user experience, various datasource selector classes are also available to select th configuration custom medatata records applicable to the page context:
sfpegActionSelector_CTL provides the configuration of the sfpegAction__mdt components (standalone or embedded within other components)
sfpegCardSelector_CTL provides the configuration of the sfpegCard__mdt components (basically the different sections and their contents)
sfpegCardListSelector_CTL provides the configuration of the sfpegCardList__mdt components (basically the way to retrieve the records and the card configurations to apply)
sfpegKpiListSelector__CTL provides configuration for the sfpegKpiList__mdt components (basically the list of fields and how they should be displayed)
sfpegListSelector_CTL provides the configuration for the sfpegListCmp__mdt components (context data required, data request to execute via SOQL/Apex..., how list results should be displayed)
sfpegMessageSelector_CTL provides the configuration for the sfpegMessage__mdt components (list of messages with display style, activation conditions and actions)
sfpegProfileSelector_CTL provides the configuration for the sfpegProfileCmp__mdt components (basically what is displayed in their banners, avatars
sfpegRecordDisplaySelector_CTL provides the configuration for the sfpegRecordDisplay__mdt components (basically the content of the header section and different sub-tabs)
Note: Custom metadata records are systematically filtered by these selector classes according to their scope value (see Custom Metadata section hereafter) depending on the page type (App/Home page vs Record page) and possible Object API Name.
To implement custom Apex logic, 2 virtual service classes are available:
sfpegAction_SVC to implement custom action logic called via the sfpegAction_CTL controller
sfpegListQuery_SVC to implement custom query logic called via the sfpegListSelector_CTL controller.
The sfpegMergeLabels_VFP visualforce page (and its sfpegMergeLabels_CTL controller) are available to the sfpegMerge_CTL Aura controller to dynamically fetch custom label values (in the user language) and provide them as merge token values to the sfpegMergeUtl LWC component.
Various Custom Metadata are defined to store base configuration for the main App Builder components.
sfpegAction__mdt provides the configuration of the sfpegActionBarCmp components (standalone or embedded within other components)
sfpegCard__mdt provides the configuration of the sfpegCardCmp components (list of sections and fields)
sfpegCardList__mdt provides the configuration of the sfpegCardlistCmp components (the way to retrieve the records and the card configurations to apply)
sfpegConfiguration__mdt provides configuration for custom merge tokens to be supported by the sfpegMergeUtl utility component (to retrieve and merge Salesforce IDs for specific Object records, such as Dashboards, Reports, Knowledge Articles...)
sfpegKpiList__mdt provides configuration for the sfpegKpiListCmp components (basically the list of fields and how they should be displayed)
sfpegList__mdt provides the configuration for the sfpegListCmp components (context data required, data request to execute via SOQL / Apex, how list results should be displayed)
sfpegMessage__mdt provides the configuration for the sfpegMessageListCmp components (list of messages with display style, activation conditions and actions)
sfpegProfile__mdt provides the configuration for the sfpegProfileCmp components (basically what is displayed in their banners, avatars, titles, detail fields, actions)
sfpegRecordDisplay__mdt provides the configuration for the sfpegProfileCmp components (basically the content of the header and sub-tabs)
Note: All custom metadata objects include the following common fields:
- description to document the usage of each configuration record
- scope to define the pages for which the configuration record is applicable, i.e. a set of comma separated strings
- GLOBAL keyword (for all pages),
- RECORDS keyword (for all record pages)
- (for a specific Salesforce Object)
For each custom metadata, some useful default (or test) records are included (prefixed with sfpeg)
3 static resources are included to provide graphical details for the sfpegIconDsp and the sfpegProfileCmp components:
- sfpegIcons is a SVG sprite file providing the definition of various icons (in various sizes) to be used as custom icons within the sfpegIconDsp component.
- sfpegBanners is a zip archive containing the set of .png or .jpg files to be used as banner background within the sfpegProfileCmp component.
- sfpegAvatars is a zip archive containing the set of .png or .jpg files to be used as avatar image within the sfpegProfileCmp component.
Note: For all these resources, a base set of items is provided, which may be extended.
Various sfpegXXX custom labels are defined to let administrators customise/translate a whole set of component messages and labels used by the LWC components. The label names generally start with the name of the LWC component they are used in.
A single object (sfpegTestObject__c) is included but only used for test purposes (in Apex test classes). This object has 2 record types.
2 Permission sets are included:
- sfpegListUsage for standard end-users (to give them access to all necessary controller classes and VF page)
- sfpegListTest for apex test (dynamically given to the running user to be able to properly execute the tests)