A food fighting card game built for Solidabis coding challenge. The task was to build a food themed "fighting simulator" revolving around nutritional values.
Energy value represents hit points, carbohydrates is attack power (x5 to make the fights faster & slightly randomized), protein is defence (chance to block) and the more carbs + protein + fat the card has, the slower it acts. Some cards have special damage modifiers, and you might even get lucky and discover an epic or a legendary card!
Full-stack TypeScript/Next.js project with typesafe tRPC APIs for drawing cards from a PostgreSQL DB (w/ Prisma) and solving battles between cards. State management with Zustand, styling with Tailwind CSS and animations with GSAP.
cp .env-example .env
yarn install
yarn dev
docker-compose up
npx prisma db push
npx prisma db seed
- Food nutrition data from Fineli
- Project bootstrapped with create-t3-app
- Legendary/epic card styling inspired by Linear.app
- Card loading animation inspired by Jacob Harris
- Hit message variations from BatMUD hit message helpfiles