Want to show a (live) preview of some pages built with payload cms?
While relying on the generated types, the frontend can break easily, if it is coupled to required fields. 💥
(s. https://payloadcms.com/docs/live-preview/client)
This library provides a fallback for every required unset field.
Generate the schema for all collections which needs fallback data.
The easiest way is to provide custom endpoints:
import { PayloadRequest } from "payload";
import { mapFields } from "payload-fallback-data/server";
const endpoint = {
method: "get",
path: "/schema",
handler: async (req: PayloadRequest) => {
const fields = mapFields(req.payload.collections.posts.config.flattenedFields);
return Response.json(fields);
- Get the schema for the collection (for example by using the custom endpoint from above):
import { FieldConfig } from "payload-fallback-data/types";
const schema: FieldConfig[] = await fetch(...)
- Use the schema to convert the partial data:
import { convertData } from "payload-fallback-data/client";
// e.g. while using payload live preview
const { data } = useLivePreview(...);
const dataWithFallbacks = convertData(schema, data);
- Initial release