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DerekTBrown authored and petoju committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent 027f743 commit f913cf8
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 69 deletions.
191 changes: 122 additions & 69 deletions mysql/resource_grant.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (

type MySQLGrant interface {
GetUserOrRole() UserOrRole

type UserOrRole interface {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ type ProcedurePrivilegeGrant struct {

type RoleGrant struct {
Database string
Roles []string
Grant bool
UserOrRole UserOrRole
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ func supportsRoles(ctx context.Context, meta interface{}) (bool, error) {
var kReProcedureWithoutDatabase = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^(function|procedure) ([^\.]*)$`)
var kReProcedureWithDatabase = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^(function|procedure) ([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)$`)

func parseResource(d *schema.ResourceData) (MySQLGrant, diag.Diagnostics) {
func parseResourceFromData(d *schema.ResourceData) (MySQLGrant, diag.Diagnostics) {

// Step 1: Parse the user/role
var userOrRole UserOrRole
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func CreateGrant(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{})

// Parse the ResourceData
grant, err := parseResource(d)
grant, err := parseResourceFromData(d)
if err != nil {
return err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ func restoreGrant(user string, host string, grant *MySQLGrant) *schema.ResourceD

func showGrant(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, user, database, table string, grantOption bool) (MySQLGrant, error) {
allGrants, err := showUserGrants(ctx, db, user)
allGrants, err := showUserGrants(ctx, db, userOrRole)
if err != nil {
return MySQLGrant{}, fmt.Errorf("showGrant - getting all grants failed: %w", err)
Expand All @@ -632,10 +632,113 @@ func showGrant(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, user, database, table string, gr
return grants, nil

func showUserGrants(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, user string) ([]MySQLGrant, error) {
var (
reRequire = regexp.MustCompile(`.*REQUIRE\s+(.*)`)

userHostRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`'([^']*)'(@'([^']*)')?`)
roleRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`'[^']+'`)

roleGrantRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`GRANT\s+([\w\s,]+)\s+TO\s+(.+)`)
reGrant = regexp.MustCompile(`\bGRANT OPTION\b|\bADMIN OPTION\b`)
procedureGrantRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`GRANT\s+([\w\s,]+)\s+ON\s+(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)\s+([\w\s,]+)\s+TO\s+(.+)`)
tableGrantRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`GRANT\s+([\w\s,]+)\s+ON\s+(.+)\s+TO\s+(.+)`)

func parseGrantFromRow(grant string) (MySQLGrant, error) {

// Ignore REVOKE.*
if strings.HasPrefix(rawGrant, "REVOKE") {
log.Printf("[WARN] Partial revokes are not fully supported and lead to unexpected behavior. Consult documentation on how to disable them for safe and reliable terraform. Relevant partial revoke: %s\n", rawGrant)
return nil, nil

// Parse Require Statement
tlsOption := ""
if requireMatches := reRequire.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(requireMatches) == 2 {
tlsOption = requireMatches[1]

// Parse User or Role Statement
var userOrRole UserOrRole
if userHostMatches := userHostRegex.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(userHostMatches) == 4 {
user := strings.Trim(userHostMatches[1], "`' ")
host := strings.Trim(userHostMatches[3], "`' ")
userOrRole = User{
User: user,
Host: host,
} else if roleMatches := roleRegex.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(roleMatches) == 1 {
role := strings.Trim(roleMatches[0], "`' ")
userOrRole = Role{
Role: role,
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse grant statement: %s", grantStr)

// Handle Role Grants
if roleMatches := roleGrantRegex.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(roleMatches) == 3 {
rolesStart := strings.Split(roleMatches[1], ",")
roles := make([]string, len(rolesStart))

for i, role := range rolesStart {
roles[i] = strings.Trim(role, "`@%\" ")

grant := &RoleGrant{
Roles: roles,
Grant: reGrant.MatchString(grantStr),
UserOrRole: userOrRole,
TLSOption: tlsOption,
return grant, nil

} else if procedureMatches := procedureGrantRegex.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(procedureMatches) == 5 {
privsStr := procedureMatches[1]
privList := extractPermTypes(privsStr)
privileges := make([]string, len(privList))

for i, priv := range privList {
privileges[i] = strings.TrimSpace(priv)

grant := &ProcedurePrivilegeGrant{
Database: strings.Trim(procedureMatches[3], "`\""),
ObjectT: ObjectT(procedureMatches[2]),
CallableName: strings.Trim(procedureMatches[3], "`\""),
Privileges: privileges,
Grant: reGrant.MatchString(grantStr),
UserOrRole: userOrRole,
TLSOption: tlsOption,
return grant, nil
} else if tableMatches := tableGrantRegex.FindStringSubmatch(grantStr); len(tableMatches) == 4 {
privsStr := tableMatches[1]
privList := extractPermTypes(privsStr)
privileges := make([]string, len(privList))

for i, priv := range privList {
privileges[i] = strings.TrimSpace(priv)

grant := &TablePrivilegeGrant{
Database: strings.Trim(tableMatches[2], "`\""),
Table: strings.Trim(tableMatches[3], "`\""),
Privileges: privileges,
Grant: reGrant.MatchString(grantStr),
UserOrRole: userOrRole,
TLSOption: tlsOption,
return grant, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse grant statement: %s", grantStr)

func showUserGrants(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, userOrRole UserOrRole) ([]MySQLGrant, error) {
grants := []MySQLGrant{}

sqlStatement := fmt.Sprintf("SHOW GRANTS FOR %s", user)
sqlStatement := fmt.Sprintf("SHOW GRANTS FOR %s", userOrRole.SQLString())
log.Printf("[DEBUG] SQL: %s", sqlStatement)
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, sqlStatement)

Expand All @@ -648,12 +751,6 @@ func showUserGrants(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, user string) ([]MySQLGrant,

defer rows.Close()
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^GRANT (.+) ON (.+?)\.(.+?) TO ([^ ]+)`)

// Ex: GRANT `app_read`@`%`,`app_write`@`%` TO `rw_user1`@`localhost
reRole := regexp.MustCompile(`^GRANT (.+) TO`)
reGrant := regexp.MustCompile(`\bGRANT OPTION\b|\bADMIN OPTION\b`)

for rows.Next() {
var rawGrant string

Expand All @@ -662,72 +759,28 @@ func showUserGrants(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, user string) ([]MySQLGrant,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("showUserGrants - reading row failed: %w", err)

if strings.HasPrefix(rawGrant, "REVOKE") {
log.Printf("[WARN] Partial revokes are not fully supported and lead to unexpected behavior. Consult documentation on how to disable them for safe and reliable terraform. Relevant partial revoke: %s\n", rawGrant)
parsedGrant, err := parseGrantFromRow(rawGrant)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if parsedGrant == nil {

if m := re.FindStringSubmatch(rawGrant); len(m) == 5 {
privsStr := m[1]
privList := extractPermTypes(privsStr)
privileges := make([]string, len(privList))

for i, priv := range privList {
privileges[i] = strings.TrimSpace(priv)
grantUserHost := m[4]
if normalizeUserHost(grantUserHost) != normalizeUserHost(user) {
// Percona returns also grants for % if we requested IP.
// Skip them as we don't want terraform to consider it.
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Skipping grant with host %v while we want %v", grantUserHost, user)

grant := &MySQLGrant{
Database: strings.Trim(m[2], "`\""),
Table: strings.Trim(m[3], "`\""),
Privileges: privileges,
Grant: reGrant.MatchString(rawGrant),

if len(privileges) > 0 {
grants = append(grants, grant)

} else if m := reRole.FindStringSubmatch(rawGrant); len(m) == 2 {
roleStr := m[1]
rolesStart := strings.Split(roleStr, ",")
roles := make([]string, len(rolesStart))

for i, role := range rolesStart {
roles[i] = strings.Trim(role, "`@%\" ")

grant := &MySQLGrant{
Roles: roles,
Grant: reGrant.MatchString(rawGrant),

grants = append(grants, grant)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse grant statement: %s", rawGrant)
// Filter out any grants that don't match the provided user
// Percona returns also grants for % if we requested IP.
// Skip them as we don't want terraform to consider it.
if parsedGrant.GetUserOrRole().SQLString() != userOrRole.SQLString() {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Skipping grant for %s as it doesn't match %s", parsedGrant.GetUserOrRole().SQLString(), userOrRole.SQLString())
grants = append(grants, parsedGrant)

log.Printf("[DEBUG] Parsed grants are: %v", grants)
return grants, nil

func normalizeUserHost(userHost string) string {
if !strings.Contains(userHost, "@") {
userHost = fmt.Sprint(userHost, "@%")
withoutQuotes := strings.ReplaceAll(userHost, "'", "")
withoutBackticks := strings.ReplaceAll(withoutQuotes, "`", "")
withoutDblQuotes := strings.ReplaceAll(withoutBackticks, "\"", "")
return withoutDblQuotes

func removeUselessPerms(grants []string) []string {
ret := []string{}
for _, grant := range grants {
Expand Down

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