A Kubernetes based fitness data streaming pipeline with the following components:
- Confluent Platform
- Elasticsearch & Kibana
- Grafana & Prometheus
- Data Minimization SPI worker
- Fitness Data Donation Platform
- Fitness Data Kafka Producer
- Donate fitness data (e.g. Strava activities)
- Apply data minimization methods on streamed fitness data
- Visualize anonymized or aggregated data in Kibana
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- helm
- kubectl
- envsubst (gettext)
Deploy the data minimization pipeline based on Confluent Kafka with Elasticsearch and Kibana for visualizations and Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring (for configuration options and a deployment guide please refer to pipeline/README.md):
$ helm repo add dm-helm-charts https://peng-data-minimization.github.io/helm-charts $ helm install dm-pipeline dm-helm-charts/data-minimization-pipeline
Create a k8s deployment for the donation-platform and the kafka-producer and expose them via a LoadBalancer:
$ export STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> $ export STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret> $ export PIPELINE_CP_PREFIX=<helm-confluent-platform-release-name> # needed to reach the Kafka broker (in this example: `dm-pipeline`) $ cat deployment.yml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Configure the SPI with the data minimization worker for the fitness data use case
$ helm upgrade dm-pipeline dm-helm-charts/data-minimization-pipeline --reuse-values -f pipeline/spi/fitness-data-minimization-tasks.yml
Test the pipeline (see Manual Testing)
Build images and push them to DockerHub:
$ ./publish-image.sh
Roll out the new images with k8s:
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer
- run
to execute the manual steps below and test the complete pipeline end-to-end - run
to deploy a Kafka client pod and execute performance tests for the Kafka broker
Refer to pipeline/README.md for more details.
Kafka Producer
Start continuously sending generated fitness data to Kafka:
$ kubectl port-forward deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer 7778
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:7778/generate-data/start
Fitness Data Donation Platform
Get to access the donation platform and donate e.g. Strava activity data:
$ kubectl port-forward deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer 7777
$ open http://localhost:7777/authorize/strava
Alternatively, get the external loadbalancer ip with kubectl get services fitness-data-donation-service --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
Kafka Broker
Send data via:
- donation platform
- fitness data kafka-producer
- manually
kubectl exec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic anon
Verify that data can be consumed:
$ kubectl exec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic anon --from-beginning
Kafka / Zookeeper Client Deployment
Deploy Kafka or Zookeeper client pod to play around:
$ cd /data/workspace/
$ git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-helm-charts.git
$ kubectl apply -f cp-helm-charts/examples/kafka-client.yaml
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-client -- /bin/bash <kafka-binary>
For more details see cp-helm-charts#kafka and cp-helm-charts#zookeepers.
To build and test the application locally, use docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up --build
$ open http://localhost:7777 # testing fitness-data-donation-platform
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:7778/generate-data/start # testing kafka-producer
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=fitness-data-pipeline_kafka_1") /bin/bash -c "/opt/kafka_*/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic anon --from-beginning" # verify that messages have arrived
See kafka-producer/README.md and donation-platform/README.md for more details.