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You can run, but can you hide? 🏃 🚴 Demo use case for data minimization with the kafka-spi


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Fitness Data Pipeline

A Kubernetes based fitness data streaming pipeline with the following components:

  • Confluent Platform
  • Elasticsearch & Kibana
  • Grafana & Prometheus
  • Data Minimization SPI worker
  • Fitness Data Donation Platform
  • Fitness Data Kafka Producer

Pipeline Architecture & Components


  1. Donate fitness data (e.g. Strava activities)
  2. Apply data minimization methods on streamed fitness data
  3. Visualize anonymized or aggregated data in Kibana
1. Strava Authorization 3. Kibana Visualization


  • helm
  • kubectl
  • envsubst (gettext)


  1. Deploy the data minimization pipeline based on Confluent Kafka with Elasticsearch and Kibana for visualizations and Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring (for configuration options and a deployment guide please refer to pipeline/

    $ helm repo add dm-helm-charts
    $ helm install dm-pipeline dm-helm-charts/data-minimization-pipeline
  2. Create a k8s deployment for the donation-platform and the kafka-producer and expose them via a LoadBalancer:

    $ export STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=<client-id>
    $ export STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret>
    $ export PIPELINE_CP_PREFIX=<helm-confluent-platform-release-name> # needed to reach the Kafka broker (in this example: `dm-pipeline`)
    $ cat deployment.yml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
  3. Configure the SPI with the data minimization worker for the fitness data use case

    $ helm upgrade dm-pipeline dm-helm-charts/data-minimization-pipeline --reuse-values -f pipeline/spi/fitness-data-minimization-tasks.yml
  4. Test the pipeline (see Manual Testing)


Build images and push them to DockerHub:

$ ./

Roll out the new images with k8s:

 $ kubectl rollout restart deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer

E2E Pipeline & Performance Testing

  • run ./pipeline/bin/ to execute the manual steps below and test the complete pipeline end-to-end
  • run ./pipeline/bin/ to deploy a Kafka client pod and execute performance tests for the Kafka broker

Refer to pipeline/ for more details.

Manual Testing

Kafka Producer

Start continuously sending generated fitness data to Kafka:

$ kubectl port-forward deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer 7778
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:7778/generate-data/start

Fitness Data Donation Platform

Get to access the donation platform and donate e.g. Strava activity data:

$ kubectl port-forward deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer 7777
$ open http://localhost:7777/authorize/strava

Alternatively, get the external loadbalancer ip with kubectl get services fitness-data-donation-service --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'.

Kafka Broker

Send data via:

  • donation platform /authorize/{strava,garmin}
  • fitness data kafka-producer /generate-data/start
  • manually
    kubectl exec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic anon

Verify that data can be consumed:

$ kubectl exec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic anon --from-beginning

Kafka / Zookeeper Client Deployment

Deploy Kafka or Zookeeper client pod to play around:

$ cd /data/workspace/
$ git clone
$ kubectl apply -f cp-helm-charts/examples/kafka-client.yaml
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-client -- /bin/bash <kafka-binary>

For more details see cp-helm-charts#kafka and cp-helm-charts#zookeepers.

Local Setup

To build and test the application locally, use docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up --build
$ open http://localhost:7777 # testing fitness-data-donation-platform
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:7778/generate-data/start # testing kafka-producer
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=fitness-data-pipeline_kafka_1") /bin/bash -c "/opt/kafka_*/bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic anon --from-beginning" # verify that messages have arrived

See kafka-producer/ and donation-platform/ for more details.


You can run, but can you hide? 🏃 🚴 Demo use case for data minimization with the kafka-spi







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