General introduction:
- The reasoning behind this module: I have decided to create this module out of need for one of my own projects, due to lack of existing working modules. No module out there was enough for what I needed.
- Purpose: This modules intended use is to install and configure Apache Mesos.
- OS Support: This module has only been used and tested on CentOS 7.
- Installs all the dependencies required to compile/build Apache Mesos:
- byacc
- cscope
- ctags
- diffstat
- doxygen
- elfutils
- flex
- gcc-gfortran
- indent
- intltool
- patchutils
- rcs
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpm-build
- rpm-sign
- swig
- systemtap
- pyhon-devel
- java-openjdk (configurable, defaults to java-1.8.0-openjdk) - see $java_package parameter for the main class.
- java-openjdk-headless (configurable, defaults to $java_package-headless)
- java-openjdk-devel (configurable, defaults to $java_package-devel)
- apache maven (configurable, defaults to 3.3.1 - see manifests/init.pp and manifests/install.pp for more details ).
- zlib-devel
- libcurl-devel
- openssl-devel
- cyrus-sasl-devel
- cyrus-sasl-md5
- apr-devel
- apr-util-devel
- subversion-devel
- wget
- git
- libnl3 (See http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/)
- libnl3-devel See (http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/)
- Configures, builds and install the desired Apache Mesos version/branch/tag from github. (configurable, defaults to 0.22.0). Please note that the configure/build parameters are also configurable.
- Installs any desired docker version, so you can have all your micro-services/applications running securely inside containers (optional).
- Optionally, it can set up default instances of Mesos master and slave as well as slaves (See $install_master and $install_slave).
- Installs all the dependencies required to compile/build Apache Mesos:
- Highly flexible/configurable - EVERYTHING can be overridden.
- Compatible with Hiera, so that you can store your configuration parameters in json, yaml or any other Hiera backend.
- It is actually used in a production environment, so it's a must that it is maintained.
- Offers unique features, and there are literally no peers for this module.
- You can easily switch the mesos versions.
- Offers good control.
- Classes:
- mesos - the main class
- mesos::install - the class that handles the installation - inherits all the parameters from the mesos classs
- Resources:
- mesos::resource::master - Handles the creation of a master service/instance and every configuration of it.
- mesos::resource::slave - Handles the creation of a mesos slave service/instance.
- The mesos class parameters and default values:
class mesos(
# Whether to run git pull to ensure the specified mesos branch is always up to date.
$ensure = 'latest',
# Mesos repository url - The url that the mesos git repository can be found at.
$url = 'https://github.com/apache/mesos.git',
# Maven archive url - The url to fetch the desired maven binary from.
$mvn_url = 'http://mirrors.hostingromania.ro/apache.org/maven/maven-3/3.3.1/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.1-bin.tar.gz',
# libnl source url - The url to fetch libnl from
$libnlUrl = 'http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/files/libnl-3.2.25.tar.gz',
# The temporary work directory to download libnl to
$libnlSrcDir = '/tmp/libnl3',
# The flags to configure libnl3 with
$libnlConfigParams = '--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-static',
# The path to install maven to
$mvn_dir = '/opt/maven',
# Desired mesos version/branch
$branch = '0.22.0',
# The mesos source directory - The directory to which the mesos branch should be cloned
$sourceDir = '/opt/mesos',
# The flags to configure mesos with - see http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/configuration/
$mesosConfigParams = '--enable-optimize',
# Whether the module should ensure the presence of the user and the group
$manage_user = true,
# The owner of all the module-related files/resources/services
$user = 'mesos',
# Whether to install all the dependencies or not
$user = 'root',
$install_deps = true,
# The jdk package name
$java_package = 'java-1.8.0-openjdk',
# Whether to configure a default mesos master instance
$install_master = false,
# The service name for the default master instance.
$masterServiceName = 'mesos-master',
# The logs directory for the default mesos master instance
$masterLogDir = '/var/log/mesos-master',
# The working directory for the default mesos master instance
$masterWorkDir = '/var/lib/mesos-master',
# Whether or not to install a default slave instance
$install_slave = false,
# Whether to install mesos with network isolation support
$network_isolation = false,
# The service name for the default mesos slave instance
$slaveServiceName = 'mesos-slave',
# The log directory for the default mesos slave instances
$slaveLogDir = '/var/log/mesos-slave',
# The working directory for the default smesos slave instance
$slaveWorkDir = '/var/lib/mesos-slave',
# The options for the default mesos master instance - See http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/configuration/
# Please note that the options need to be written with uppercase letters.
$masterOptions = hiera('mesosMasterConfig',{ }),
# The options for the default mesos slave instance - See http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/configuration/
# Please note that the options need to be written with uppercase letters.
$slaveOptions = hiera('mesosSlaveConfig',{ }),
# Whether to install docker or not
$installDocker = true,
# Docker options (for more details read https://github.com/garethr/garethr-docker)
$dockerOptions = hiera('classes::docker::options',{
dns => '',
socket_bind => 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock',
docker_users => [$user],
socket_group => $user
# Whether or not to manage the firewall rules - Please note that by default, this module replaces firewalld with iptables
$manage_firewall = false,
# Whether we the module should attempt to install Mesos forcefully.
$force_install = false
) {
- The mesos::install class and the default parameters
class mesos::install(
$ensure = $mesos::ensure,
$url = $mesos::url,
$mvn_url = $mesos::mvn_url,
$libnlUrl = $mesos::libnlUrl,
$libnlSrcDir = $mesos::libnlSrcDir,
$libnlConfigParams = $mesos::libnlConfigParams,
$mvn_dir = $mesos::mvn_dir,
$branch = $mesos::branch,
$sourceDir = $mesos::sourceDir,
$mesosConfigParams = $mesos::mesosConfigParams,
$install_deps = $mesos::install_deps,
$java_package = $mesos::java_package,
$manage_user = $mesos::manage_user,
$user = $mesos::user,
$install_master = $mesos::install_master,
$masterServiceName = $mesos::masterServiceName,
$masterLogDir = $mesos::masterLogDir,
$masterWorkDir = $mesos::masterWorkDir,
$install_slave = $mesos::install_slave,
$network_isolation = $mesos::network_isolation,
$slaveServiceName = $mesos::slaveServiceName,
$slaveLogDir = $mesos::slaveLogDir,
$slaveWorkDir = $mesos::slaveWorkDir,
$masterOptions = $mesos::masterOptions,
$slaveOptions = $mesos::slaveOptions,
$installDocker = $mesos::installDocker,
$dockerOptions = $mesos::dockerOptions,
$manage_firewall = $mesos::manage_firewall,
$force_install = $mesos::force_install
) inherits mesos{
- The mesos::resource::master resource and the default parameters
define mesos::resources::master(
$ensure = $mesos::ensure,
$url = $mesos::url,
$mvn_url = $mesos::mvn_url,
$libnlUrl = $mesos::libnlUrl,
$libnlSrcDir = $mesos::libnlSrcDir,
$libnlConfigParams = $mesos::libnlConfigParams,
$mvn_dir = $mesos::mvn_dir,
$branch = $mesos::branch,
$sourceDir = $mesos::sourceDir,
$mesosConfigParams = $mesos::mesosConfigParams,
$install_deps = $mesos::install_deps,
$java_package = $mesos::java_package,
$manage_user = $mesos::manage_user,
$user = $mesos::user,
$install_master = $mesos::install_master,
$masterServiceName = $mesos::masterServiceName,
$masterLogDir = $mesos::masterLogDir,
$masterWorkDir = $mesos::masterWorkDir,
$install_slave = $mesos::install_slave,
$network_isolation = $mesos::network_isolation,
$slaveServiceName = $mesos::slaveServiceName,
$slaveLogDir = $mesos::slaveLogDir,
$slaveWorkDir = $mesos::slaveWorkDir,
$masterOptions = $mesos::masterOptions,
$slaveOptions = $mesos::slaveOptions,
$installDocker = $mesos::installDocker,
$dockerOptions = $mesos::dockerOptions,
$manage_firewall = $mesos::manage_firewall,
$force_install = $mesos::force_install
) {
- The mesos::resource::slave resource and the default parameters
define mesos::resources::slave(
$ensure = $mesos::ensure,
$url = $mesos::url,
$mvn_url = $mesos::mvn_url,
$libnlUrl = $mesos::libnlUrl,
$libnlSrcDir = $mesos::libnlSrcDir,
$libnlConfigParams = $mesos::libnlConfigParams,
$mvn_dir = $mesos::mvn_dir,
$branch = $mesos::branch,
$sourceDir = $mesos::sourceDir,
$mesosConfigParams = $mesos::mesosConfigParams,
$install_deps = $mesos::install_deps,
$java_package = $mesos::java_package,
$manage_user = $mesos::manage_user,
$user = $mesos::user,
$install_master = $mesos::install_master,
$masterServiceName = $mesos::masterServiceName,
$masterLogDir = $mesos::masterLogDir,
$masterWorkDir = $mesos::masterWorkDir,
$install_slave = $mesos::install_slave,
$network_isolation = $mesos::network_isolation,
$slaveServiceName = $mesos::slaveServiceName,
$slaveLogDir = $mesos::slaveLogDir,
$slaveWorkDir = $mesos::slaveWorkDir,
$masterOptions = $mesos::masterOptions,
$slaveOptions = $mesos::slaveOptions,
$installDocker = $mesos::installDocker,
$dockerOptions = $mesos::dockerOptions,
$manage_firewall = $mesos::manage_firewall,
$force_install = $mesos::force_install
) {
Regardless of the content of this documentation, you will still need to
examine the mesos documentation closely, as there might have been particularities which might have been emitted.