A role to bootstrap fresh install of Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi 4 board. Multiple functionalities can be enabled such as but not limited to:
- Insallation of arbitrary list of packages
- Cloning of dotfiles repo
- Cloning of other repo such as media center project
- Docker installation
- Desktop environment installation
- VNC server installation
- Tailscale VPN setup and node registration
- Setup of zRAM SWAP
- root disk TRIM
- Borgmatic backup to Borgbase repo
- and more
Get from Ansible Galaxy: https://galaxy.ansible.com/pentago/rpi_bootstrap_ansible_role
- name: Bootstrap Raspberry Pi 4
hosts: rpi
become: true
become_flags: -E
gather_facts: false
- pentago.rpi_bootstrap_ansible_role
# Setup Host
hostname: rpi
locale: en_US.UTF-8
timezone: Europe/Belgrade
ntp_server: time.cloudflare.com
ubuntu_dist: jammy
# Setup Mount Points
root_disk_label: writable
storage_disk_label: STORAGE-1
aux_storage_disk_label: STORAGE-2
# Setup User
user: ubuntu
uid: 1000
password: "some password"
password_salt: f2tq74rufu5ixnf
pub_ssh_key: id_ed25519.pub
dotfiles_repo: git@github.com:user/dotfiles.git
dotfiles_dir: dotfiles
# Setup Docker
setup_docker: true
# Setup Desktop Environment
setup_desktop: true
setup_vnc: true
vnc_session: gnome-session
vnc_geometry: 1680x1050
vnc_depth: 32
vnc_passwd: "somepass"
# Setup zRAM
setup_zram: true
zram_algo: zstd
zram_percent: "50"
zram_priority: "100"
# Setup Tailscale
setup_tailscale: true
tailscale_auth_key: "tskey-kzg9gk6CTRLA-bQSgMdPPdZgxu1FECiNCo5"
# Setup Git Repos
project_repo: git@github.com:user/media-center.git
project_data_dir: /data
project_storage_dir: /storage-1
aux_storage_dir: /storage-2
# Setup Borgmatic
setup_borgmatic: true
borgbase_passphrase: "some passphrase"
borgbase_user: repouser
borgbase_repo: repouser.repo.borgbase.com
borgbase_ssh_key: borgbase.key
borgbase_healthcheck_url: https://hc-ping.com/27121397-a6d8-09ba-81b4-1f7770f887f9
# Setup SSD TRIM
# https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2020/enabling-trim-on-external-ssd-on-raspberry-pi
setup_trim: true
# Setup Packages
- zsh
- tmux
- neovim
- fzf
- git
- htop
- exfat-fuse
- exfatprogs
- ncdu
- ranger
- rsync
- iotop
- localepurge
- dphys-swapfile
- gnupg
- lsscsi
- sg3-utils
- net-tools
- parallel
- python3-llfuse
- ripgrep
- sdparm
- libsensors5
- snapd
reboot: true