SEMPRE v2.1.1
Stable release of SEMPRE v2.1
Changes from SEMPRE 1.0 to SEMPRE 2.0:
- Updated tutorial and documentation.
- Refactored into a core part for building semantic parsers in general; interacting with Freebase and Stanford CoreNLP are just different modules.
- Removed fbalignment (EMNLP 2013) and paraphrase (ACL 2014) components to avoid confusion. If you want to reproduce those systems, use SEMPRE 1.0.
Changes from SEMPRE 2.0 to SEMPRE 2.1:
- Added the
package for the paper Compositional semantic parsing on semi-structured tables (ACL 2015). - Add and
package for the paper Building a semantic parser overnight (ACL 2015). - Minor updates to documentation and utilities.