Discretizes a stable AR(1) with process with zero mean. Usage:
npts = 10
rho = 0.9
sig = 0.01
gridpts, transition = rouwenhorst(npts, rho, sig)
where rho
is the autocorrelation, npts
is the number of points in the resulting discretized process, and sig
is the error standard deviation.
Returns a vector gridpts
with the support and the Markov matrix transition
The function eqprob_discretize
(see finitesupport.jl
) might come in handy when you need a discrete approximation of a variable with continuous support. A picture worth a thousand words:
How to generate that:
using Distributions
using Plots
some_dist = Pareto(1.2, 0.1)
# Apply the magical `eqprob_discretize`, returning a vector-like object
discrete_version = eqprob_discretize(some_dist, 30);
# Now let's compare the CDFs
domain_cmp = range(0.1, maximum(discrete_version), length=100)
plot(x -> cdf(some_dist, x), domain_cmp, lw=2, legend=:bottomright,
label="'True'", color=:gray60, title="Pareto distribution")
plot!(discrete_version, cumsum(pmf(discrete_version)),
label="Discretized", color = :midnightblue, seriestype = :steppost)