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01. Plugin: Configuration

Perraco edited this page Dec 1, 2024 · 6 revisions

Configuration Properties

The KopapiConfig provides several properties to define the URLs for your OpenAPI schemas, Swagger UI, and debugging endpoints.

Property Description Default
enabled The plugin enabled state.
Useful to disable the plugin for specific environments.
host The application host URL. null
debugUrl The URL to provide the API metadata for debugging purposes. /openapi/debug
apiDocs The OpenAPI related URLs and settings, including swagger-ui and redoc. N/A
info Metadata about your API (title, description, version, contact, license, etc.). N/A
servers List of servers to include in the OpenAPI schema, with optional URL variables. N/A
security List of top-level security schemes, overriding per endpoint schemes. N/A
logPluginRoutes Log the plugin routes to access the API Schema, Swagger, Redoc, etc. true
onDemand Generate the schema only the first time it is requested. true
  • The host property specifies the base URL of the application. Typically, this setting is not required because the plugin automatically resolves the base URL based on incoming requests. However, in containerized environments like Docker, where the application binds to, the resolved URLs in output logs may not reflect the actual accessible address. In such cases, it is recommended to explicitly set the host property to the application's public IP address or domain name. This ensures that the full URLs in the logs are accurate.

  • The debugUrl endpoint provides access to vital diagnostic information that assists in troubleshooting the plugin behavior. If the schema is not generated as expected, you can use this endpoint to inspect and identify potential issues.

API Documentation Section

Property Description Default
openApiUrl The URL to provide the OpenAPI schema. /openapi.yaml
openApiFormat The output format for the OpenApi schema. YAML
redocUrl The URL to provide access to the OpenAPI Redoc documentation. /redoc
install(Kopapi) {
    apiDocs {
        openApiUrl = "/openapi.yaml"
        openApiFormat = OpenApiFormat.YAML
        redocUrl = "/redoc"
  • The openApiUrl value does not determine the output format. Only the openApiFormat property specifies the format. For example, if openApiUrl is set to /openapi.json, but openApiFormat is set YAML, the output will still be in yaml format.

Swagger Section

Property Description Default
url The URL to provide access to the Swagger UI. /swagger-ui/
persistAuthorization Whether to persist entered authorizations in Swagger UI to retain them on page refresh. false
withCredentials Whether to include cookies or other credentials in CORS requests from Swagger UI. false
docExpansion The default expansion for the documentation in the Swagger UI. LIST
displayRequestDuration Whether to display the request duration in Swagger UI. false
displayOperationId Whether to display the endpoint operationId in Swagger UI. false
operationsSorter The sorter to use for the operations in the Swagger UI. UNSORTED
uiTheme The theme to use for the overall Swagger UI. LIGHT
syntaxTheme The syntax highlighting theme to use for the Swagger UI. AGATE
includeErrors When enabled, detected generation errors will be appended into info section description. false
install(Kopapi) {
    apiDocs {
        // ...

        // Swagger UI settings.
        swagger {
            url = "/swagger-ui/"
            persistAuthorization = true
            withCredentials = true
            docExpansion = SwaggerDocExpansion.NONE
            displayRequestDuration = true
            displayOperationId = true
            operationsSorter = SwaggerOperationsSorter.METHOD
            uiTheme = SwaggerUITheme.DARK
            syntaxTheme = SwaggerSyntaxTheme.AGATE
            includeErrors = true

API Info Section

The Info section can be used to provide metadata about your API .

install(Kopapi) {
    info {
        title = "API Title"
        description = "Api Description"
        version = "1.0.0"
        termsOfService = ""

        contact {
            name = "John Doe"
            url = ""
            email = ""

        license {
            name = "MIT"
            url = ""


install(Kopapi) {
    enabled = true
    host = "http://localhost:8080"
    debugUrl = "openapi/debug"

    // API Documentation section.
    apiDocs {
        openApilUrl = "/openapi.yaml"
        openApiFormat = OpenApiFormat.YAML
        redocUrl = "/redoc"

        // Swagger UI settings.
        swagger {
            url = "/swagger-ui/"
            persistAuthorization = true
            withCredentials = true
            docExpansion = SwaggerDocExpansion.NONE
            displayRequestDuration = true
            displayOperationId = true
            operationsSorter = SwaggerOperationsSorter.METHOD
            uiTheme = SwaggerUITheme.DARK
            syntaxTheme = SwaggerSyntaxTheme.AGATE
            includeErrors = true

    // API Info section.
    info {
        title = "API Title"
        description = "Api Description"
        description = "This is a multi-line description."
        version = "1.0.0"
        termsOfService = ""

        contact {
            name = "John Doe"
            url = ""
            email = ""

        license {
            name = "MIT"
            url = ""