Generate fortran source code for handling parameter I/O from a namelist
nml2f90 namelist.nml --io-nml --command-line
This will create ioparams.f90, with corresponding derived types, namelist I/O and command-line subroutines. To be imported in any other program as follow (you need to compile ioparams.f90 of course, e.g. see compilation below)
use ioparams, only: group1_t, group2_t
use ioparams, only: read_nml, write_nml, parse_command_args
where <group>_t
are newly defined types created from namelist groups
and the four subroutines are handy I/O and set/get interfaces for the
above defined types.
In its simplest form, this would be:
use ioparams
implicit none
type(group1_t) :: par1
integer :: iounit=88, iostat
character(len=50), dimension(:), allocatable :: args
! read namelist
open(iounit, file="namelist.nml")
call read_nml(iounit, par1)
! parse command-line arguments and stop in case of error or with --help
call command_argument_as_array(args)
call parse_command_args(par1, args=args, unmatched=args, stop_on_help=.true.)
if (size(unmatched) > 0) then
write(*,*) "Some arguments were not matched:"
write(*,*) trim(join_array(unmatched))
NOTE: the script interface will be simplified soon (see issue #1)
See example.f90 for an interactive variant of this snippet, and and test.f90 for a more complete suite of tests for various functions in ioparams.
Generate source code and compile the example program in one go:
make clean src example
./example.x -h # to try it out
Have a look at ioparams.f90 in the repo to get an impression of the generated code.
Get all options of nml2f90 by typing:
nml2f90 --help
They are a couple of caveats with the basic namelist to fortran conversion:
- character strings all have the same length (default to 256)
- certain types may be lost via conversion to python (e.g. all "real" converted to double precision) or simply more error-prone procedure (say a '.' is missing, but you did mean a float)
So I found for myself more re-insuring to have the variables defined in my regular
fortran source code, and tell nml2f90 to just look into the source code (parse it)
to retrieve the actual type, via the --src
nml2f90 namelist.nml --src src/*f90 --io-nml
Note the types found in the source code will simply be imported use <mod>, only:<type>
and not redefined in ioparams.f90. You will probably need to provide
more information concerning the naming conventions for mapping between
group (namelist blocks) and type names. See options --type-prefix
, --type-suffix
and --type-map
(nml2f90 -h
for help).
You may also want to create interfaces for other types not defined
in the namelist. Use --include-groups
for that.
The --io-nml option creates type-specific interfaces to read from and write to namelist format using the built-in namelist capability.
A caveat is that it requires determining the type of the various variables when creating the routines (have a look at the generated ioparams.f90), which may be error prone (see parsing of source code for a solution) and generates much boiler-plate code. The second reason is of greater concern IMO, because it makes the generated code harder to understand (not too big of an issue as long as nml2f90 is around, or as long as there is no bug to be tracked down!).
An elegant solution is offered by Alex Robinson's nml.f90 library, which parses (read-only) the namelist and allows calls like
call nml_read(filename,"group1","name1",group1%name1)
Passing the option --io-nml-nml
will make nml2f90 use that
kind of calls internally instead of fortran build-in namelist
It assumes nml.f90 is present on the compilation path. That way
nml2f90 becomes no more than a nice helper to avoid writing repetitive code,
but it involves no commitment in the future...(as long as you keep nml.f90
around of course !)
And the command-line argument parsing for whole type of course, which
remains a useful feature. This feature is still a work-in-progress.
Note this concerns ioparams.f90's internals and does not change the way you use
ioparams' read_nml
, parse_command_args
, print_help
. For now,
the write_nml
is not available with this option.
is passed, there is no need to indicate --io-nml
The safer way of using nml2f90 is probably:
nml2f90 namelist.nml --src src/*f90 --io-nml-nml --command-line
and make sure nml.f90 is compiled before ioparams.f90
- each namelist block must be defined in the same fortran type, i.e. one type per block.
- as a corrolary, no derived types nor portions of array can be present in the namelist with the % syntax
Clone this repository, and at the root execute:
python install
This will install nml2f90 module (along with handly nml2f90.namelist) and nml2f90 as an alias for python -m nml2f90.nml2f90
After generating the source code by calling nml2f90, just put ioparam.f90 into your code directory and compile your main program with:
gfortran -o example.x ioparams.f90 example.f90
That's it !
Thanks to Alex Robinson and its nml project for inspiration and some pieces of code (e.g. parse vector string) test namelist file). Have a look at it for an alternative approach to generic parameters I/O.