This is just a cli (command line interface) version of the IPGetter project I made
To build it make sure you have rust installed
To build it all you need to is run
$ cargo build --release
You should find the binary executable, in your target/release
To use it first navigate to the same directory as the executable
For linux and macos run the following command
$ ./ipgetter_cli <ip>
For windows run
> ipgetter_cli.exe <ip>
You can also optionally add it to your path, to do so
First of all navigate to the directory containing to the directory containing the repo
Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file, to include the binary in your PATH:
export PATH="$PATH:./target/release/ipgetter_cli"
Add the same line to your ~/.zshrc
Run the following command
setx PATH "%PATH%;./target/release/ipgetter_cli.exe"