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The xWebAdministration module contains the xIisModule, xWebAppPool, xWebsite, xWebApplication, xWebVirtualDirectory, and xWebConfigKeyValue DSC resources for creating and configuring various IIS artifacts.


Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.



  • Path: The path to the module to be registered.
  • Name: The logical name to register the module as in IIS.
  • RequestPath: The allowed request paths, such as *.php
  • Verb: An array of allowed verbs, such as get and post.
  • SiteName: The name of the Site to register the module for. If empty, the resource will register the module with all of IIS.
  • ModuleType: The type of the module. Currently, only FastCgiModule is supported.
  • Ensure: Ensures that the module is Present or Absent.


  • Name: The desired name of the web application pool
  • Ensure: Should the application pool be present or absent
  • State: State of the application pool – started or stopped


  • Name: The desired name of the website.
  • PhysicalPath: The path to the files that compose the website.
  • State: The state of the website: { Started | Stopped }
  • BindingInfo: Website's binding information in the form of an array of embedded instances of the MSFT_xWebBindingInformation CIM class. MSFT_xWebBindingInformation properties:
    • Protocol: The protocol of the binding. This property is required. The acceptable values for this property are: http, https, msmq.formatname, net.msmq, net.pipe, net.tcp.
    • BindingInformation: The binding information in the form a colon-delimited string that includes the IP address, port, and host name of the binding. This property is ignored for http and https bindings if at least one of the following properties is specified: IPAddress, Port, HostName.
    • IPAddress: The IP address of the binding. This property is only applicable for http and https bindings. The default value is *.
    • Port: The port of the binding. The value must be a positive integer between 1 and 65535. This property is only applicable for http (the default value is 80) and https (the default value is 443) bindings.
    • HostName: The host name of the binding. This property is only applicable for http and https bindings.
    • CertificateThumbprint: The thumbprint of the certificate. This property is only applicable for https bindings.
    • CertificateStoreName: The name of the certificate store where the certificate is located. This property is only applicable for https bindings. The acceptable values for this property are: My, WebHosting. The default value is My.
    • SslFlags: The type of binding used for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. This property is supported in IIS 8.0 or later, and is only applicable for https bindings. The acceptable values for this property are:
      • 0: The default value. The secure connection be made using an IP/Port combination. Only one certificate can be bound to a combination of IP address and the port.
      • 1: The secure connection be made using the port number and the host name obtained by using Server Name Indication (SNI). It allows multiple secure websites with different certificates to use the same IP address.
      • 2: The secure connection be made using the Centralized Certificate Store without requiring a Server Name Indication.
      • 3: The secure connection be made using the Centralized Certificate Store while requiring Server Name Indication.
  • ApplicationPool: The website’s application pool.
  • EnabledProtocols: The protocols that are enabled for the website.
  • Ensure: Ensures that the website is Present or Absent.


  • Website: Name of website with which the web application is associated.
  • Name: The desired name of the web application.
  • WebAppPool: Web application’s application pool.
  • PhysicalPath: The path to the files that compose the web application.
  • Ensure: Ensures that the web application is Present or Absent.


  • Website: Name of website with which virtual directory is associated
  • WebApplication: Web application name for the virtual directory
  • PhysicalPath: The path to the files that compose the virtual directory
  • Name: The name of the virtual directory
  • Ensure: Ensures if the virtual directory is Present or Absent.
  • State: State of the application pool: { Started | Stopped }


  • WebsitePath: Path to website location (IIS or WebAdministration format).
  • ConfigSection: Section to update (only AppSettings supported as of now).
  • KeyValuePair: Key value pair for AppSettings (ItemCollection format).


  • Name: The Name of website in which to modify the SSL Settings
  • Bindings: The SSL bindings to implement.
  • Ensure: Ensures if the bindings are Present or Absent.



  • Fixed script analyzer failures in examples

  • Added the following resources:
    • xSSLSettings
  • Fixed an issue in xWebApplication where Set-TargetResource attempted to modify a folder instead of an application.
    • Added Tests to xWebApplication which will allow more changes if desired.
  • Modified README.MD to clean up Code Formatting
  • Modified all unit/integration tests to utilize template system.
  • xWebAppPool is now has feature parity to cWebAppPool - should now support most changes.
  • Added Unit tests to IISFeatureDelegation, general script clean up
  • Refactored xIisHandle to load script variables once, added unit tests.
  • xWebsite updated:
    • Added support for the following binding protocols: msmq.formatname, net.msmq, net.pipe, net.tcp.
    • Added support for setting the EnabledProtocols property.
    • Fixed an issue in bindings comparison which was causing bindings to be reassigned on every consistency check.
    • Fixed an issue where binding conflict was not properly detected and handled. Stopped websites will not be checked for conflicting bindings anymore.
    • The qualifier for the Protocol property of the MSFT_xWebBindingInformation CIM class was changed from Write to Required.

  • Modified xWebsite to allow Server Name Indication when specifiying SSL certificates.
  • Change Test Get-Website to match other function
  • Removed xDscResourceDesigner tests
  • Suppress extra verbose messages when -verbose is specified to Start-DscConfiguration
  • Moved tests into child folders Unit and Integration
  • Added PSDesiredStateConfiguration to Import-DscResource statement
  • Fixed issue where Set-TargetResource was being run unexpectedly
  • Added Tests to MSFT_xWebVirtualDirectory
  • xWebsite tests updates
  • xWebVirtualDirectory tests updates

  • Added following resources:
    • xIisHandler
    • xIisFeatureDelegation
    • xIisMimeTypeMapping
    • xWebAppPoolDefaults
    • xWebSiteDefaults
  • Modified xWebsite schema to make PhysicalPath required

  • Fixed bug in xWebsite resource regarding incorrect name of personal certificate store.

  • xWebsite:
    • Fix issue with Get-Website when there are multiple sites.
    • Fix issue when trying to add a new website when no websites currently exist.
    • Fix typos.

Changed Key property in MSFT_xWebConfigKeyValue to be a Key, instead of Required. This allows multiple keys to be configured within the same web.config file.

  • Fixed the confusion with mismatched versions and xWebDeploy resources
  • Removed for legal reasons. Please read Examples\ for the workaround.

  • Fixed variable name typo in MSFT_xIisModule.
  • Added OutputType attribute to Test-TargetResource and Get-TargetResource in MSFT_xWebSite.

  • Documentation only change. Module manifest metadata changed to improve PowerShell Gallery experience.

  • Documentation-only change, added metadata to module manifest


  • Added xIisModule


  • Added the xWebAppPool, xWebApplication, xWebVirtualDirectory, and xWebConfigKeyValue.

  • Added support for HTTPS protocol
  • Updated binding information to include Certificate information for HTTPS
  • Removed protocol property. Protocol is included in binding information
  • Bug fixes

  • Initial release with the following resources
    • xWebsite


Registering PHP

When configuring an IIS Application that uses PHP, you first need to register the PHP CGI module with IIS. The following xPhp configuration downloads and installs the prerequisites for PHP, downloads PHP, registers the PHP CGI module with IIS and sets the system environment variable that PHP needs to run.

Note: This example is intended to be used as a composite resource, so it does not use Configuration Data. Please see the Composite Configuration Blog on how to use this configuration in another configuration.

# Composite configuration to install the IIS pre-requisites for PHP
Configuration IisPreReqs_php
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    foreach ($Feature in @("Web-Server","Web-Mgmt-Tools","web-Default-Doc", `
        WindowsFeature "$Feature$Number"
            Ensure = $Ensure
            Name = $Feature

# Composite configuration to install PHP on IIS
configuration xPhp
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [switch] $installMySqlExt,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $PackageFolder,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DownloadUri,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Vc2012RedistDownloadUri,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $DestinationPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ConfigurationPath
        # Make sure the IIS Prerequisites for PHP are present
        IisPreReqs_php Iis
            Ensure = "Present"
            # Removed because this dependency does not work in
            # Windows Server 2012 R2 and below
            # This should work in WMF v5 and above
            # DependsOn = "[File]PackagesFolder"

        # Download and install Visual C Redist2012 from
        Package vcRedist
            Path = $Vc2012RedistDownloadUri
            ProductId = "{CF2BEA3C-26EA-32F8-AA9B-331F7E34BA97}"
            Name = "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.61030"
            Arguments = "/install /passive /norestart"

        $phpZip = Join-Path $PackageFolder ""

        # Make sure the PHP archine is in the package folder
        xRemoteFile phpArchive
            uri = $DownloadURI
            DestinationPath = $phpZip

        # Make sure the content of the PHP archine are in the PHP path
        Archive php
            Path = $phpZip
            Destination  = $DestinationPath

        if ($installMySqlExt )
            # Make sure the MySql extention for PHP is in the main PHP path
            File phpMySqlExt
                SourcePath = "$($DestinationPath)\ext\php_mysql.dll"
                DestinationPath = "$($DestinationPath)\php_mysql.dll"
                Ensure = "Present"
                DependsOn = @("[Archive]PHP")
                MatchSource = $true

        # Make sure the php.ini is in the Php folder
        File PhpIni
            SourcePath = $ConfigurationPath
            DestinationPath = "$($DestinationPath)\php.ini"
            DependsOn = @("[Archive]PHP")
            MatchSource = $true

        # Make sure the php cgi module is registered with IIS
        xIisModule phpHandler
            Name = "phpFastCgi"
            Path = "$($DestinationPath)\php-cgi.exe"
            RequestPath = "*.php"
            Verb = "*"
            Ensure = "Present"
            DependsOn = @("[Package]vcRedist","[File]PhpIni")
            # Removed because this dependency does not work in
            # Windows Server 2012 R2 and below
            # This should work in WMF v5 and above
            # "[IisPreReqs_php]Iis"

        # Make sure the php binary folder is in the path
        Environment PathPhp
            Name = "Path"
            Value = ";$($DestinationPath)"
            Ensure = "Present"
            Path = $true
            DependsOn = "[Archive]PHP"

xPhp -PackageFolder "C:\packages" `
    -DownloadUri  -DownloadUri "" `
    -Vc2012RedistDownloadUri "" `
    -DestinationPath "C:\php" `
    -ConfigurationPath "C:\MyPhp.ini" `
    -installMySqlExt $false

Stopping the default website

When configuring a new IIS server, several references recommend removing or stopping the default website for security purposes. This example sets up your IIS web server by installing IIS Windows Feature. After that, it will stop the default website by setting State = Stopped.

Configuration Sample_xWebsite_StopDefault
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost'
    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration
    Node $NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Web-Server"
        # Stop the default website
        xWebsite DefaultSite
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Default Web Site"
            State           = "Stopped"
            PhysicalPath    = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"
            DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]IIS"

Create a new website

While setting up IIS and stopping the default website is interesting, it isn’t quite useful yet. After all, people typically use IIS to set up websites of their own with custom protocol and bindings. Fortunately, using DSC, adding another website is as simple as using the File and xWebsite resources to copy the website content and configure the website.

Configuration Sample_xWebsite_NewWebsite
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',
        # Name of the website to create
        # Source Path for Website content
        # Destination path for Website content

    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration
    Node $NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Web-Server"

        # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
        WindowsFeature AspNet45
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Web-Asp-Net45"

        # Stop the default website
        xWebsite DefaultSite
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Default Web Site"
            State           = "Stopped"
            PhysicalPath    = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"
            DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]IIS"

        # Copy the website content
        File WebContent
            Ensure          = "Present"
            SourcePath      = $SourcePath
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            Recurse         = $true
            Type            = "Directory"
            DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]AspNet45"

        # Create the new Website with HTTPS
        xWebsite NewWebsite
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = $WebSiteName
            State           = "Started"
            PhysicalPath    = $DestinationPath
            BindingInfo     = @(
                    Protocol              = "HTTPS"
                    Port                  = 8443
                    CertificateThumbprint = "71AD93562316F21F74606F1096B85D66289ED60F"
                    CertificateStoreName  = "WebHosting"
                    Protocol              = "HTTPS"
                    Port                  = 8444
                    CertificateThumbprint = "DEDDD963B28095837F558FE14DA1FDEFB7FA9DA7"
                    CertificateStoreName  = "MY"
            DependsOn       = "[File]WebContent"

Creating the default website using configuration data

In this example, we’ve moved the parameters used to generate the website into a configuration data file. All of the variant portions of the configuration are stored in a separate file. This can be a powerful tool when using DSC to configure a project that will be deployed to multiple environments. For example, users managing larger environments may want to test their configuration on a small number of machines before deploying it across many more machines in their production environment.

Configuration files are made with this in mind. This is an example configuration data file (saved as a .psd1).

Configuration Sample_xWebsite_FromConfigurationData
    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration

    # Dynamically find the applicable nodes from configuration data
    Node $AllNodes.where{$_.Role -eq "Web"}.NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Web-Server"

        # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
        WindowsFeature AspNet45
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Web-Asp-Net45"

        # Stop an existing website (set up in Sample_xWebsite_Default)
        xWebsite DefaultSite
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = "Default Web Site"
            State           = "Stopped"
            PhysicalPath    = $Node.DefaultWebSitePath
            DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]IIS"

        # Copy the website content
        File WebContent
            Ensure          = "Present"
            SourcePath      = $Node.SourcePath
            DestinationPath = $Node.DestinationPath
            Recurse         = $true
            Type            = "Directory"
            DependsOn       = "[WindowsFeature]AspNet45"

        # Create a new website
        xWebsite BakeryWebSite
            Ensure          = "Present"
            Name            = $Node.WebsiteName
            State           = "Started"
            PhysicalPath    = $Node.DestinationPath
            DependsOn       = "[File]WebContent"

# Content of configuration data file (e.g. ConfigurationData.psd1) could be:
# Hashtable to define the environmental data
    # Node specific data
    AllNodes = @(
       # All the WebServer has following identical information
            NodeName           = "*"
            WebsiteName        = "FourthCoffee"
            SourcePath         = "C:\BakeryWebsite\"
            DestinationPath    = "C:\inetpub\FourthCoffee"
            DefaultWebSitePath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"
            NodeName           = ""
            Role               = "Web"
            NodeName           = ""
            Role               = "Web"
# Pass the configuration data to configuration as follows:
Sample_xWebsite_FromConfigurationData -ConfigurationData ConfigurationData.psd1

All resources (end-to-end scenario)

# End to end sample for xWebAdministration

configuration Sample_EndToEndxWebAdministration

    Node $AllNodes.NodeName
        # Create a Web Application Pool
        xWebAppPool NewWebAppPool
            Name   = $Node.WebAppPoolName
            Ensure = "Present"
            State  = "Started"

        #Create a New Website with Port
        xWebSite NewWebSite
            Name   = $Node.WebSiteName
            Ensure = "Present"
            BindingInfo = MSFT_xWebBindingInformation
                Port = $Node.Port

            PhysicalPath = $Node.PhysicalPathWebSite
            State = "Started"
            DependsOn = @("[xWebAppPool]NewWebAppPool")

        #Create a new Web Application
        xWebApplication NewWebApplication
            Name = $Node.WebApplicationName
            Website = $Node.WebSiteName
            WebAppPool =  $Node.WebAppPoolName
            PhysicalPath = $Node.PhysicalPathWebApplication
            Ensure = "Present"
            DependsOn = @("[xWebSite]NewWebSite")

        #Create a new virtual Directory
        xWebVirtualDirectory NewVirtualDir
            Name = $Node.WebVirtualDirectoryName
            Website = $Node.WebSiteName
            WebApplication =  $Node.WebApplicationName
            PhysicalPath = $Node.PhysicalPathVirtualDir
            Ensure = "Present"
            DependsOn = @("[xWebApplication]NewWebApplication")

        File CreateWebConfig
             DestinationPath = $Node.PhysicalPathWebSite + "\web.config"
             Contents = "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`"?>
                    Ensure = "Present"
             DependsOn = @("[xWebVirtualDirectory]NewVirtualDir")

        xWebConfigKeyValue ModifyWebConfig
            Ensure = "Present"
            ConfigSection = "AppSettings"
            KeyValuePair = @{key="key1";value="value1"}
            IsAttribute = $false
            WebsitePath = "IIS:\sites\" + $Node.WebsiteName
            DependsOn = @("[File]CreateWebConfig")

#You can place the below in another file to create multiple websites using the same configuration block.
$Config = @{
    AllNodes = @(
            NodeName = "localhost";
            WebAppPoolName = "TestAppPool";
            WebSiteName = "TestWebSite";
            PhysicalPathWebSite = "C:\web\webSite";
            WebApplicationName = "TestWebApplication";
            PhysicalPathWebApplication = "C:\web\webApplication";
            WebVirtualDirectoryName = "TestVirtualDir";
            PhysicalPathVirtualDir = "C:\web\virtualDir";
            Port = 100

Sample_EndToEndxWebAdministration -ConfigurationData $config
Start-DscConfiguration ./Sample_EndToEndxWebAdministration -wait -Verbose
configuration Sample_IISServerDefaults
        # Target nodes to apply the configuration
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost'

    # Import the module that defines custom resources
    Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration, PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $NodeName
         xWebSiteDefaults SiteDefaults
            ApplyTo = 'Machine'
            LogFormat = 'IIS'
            AllowSubDirConfig = 'true'

         xWebAppPoolDefaults PoolDefaults
            ApplyTo = 'Machine'
            ManagedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0'
            IdentityType = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity'


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