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Build github wikis from markdown source files.


npm install wiki-builder --save-dev

Create a file named wikiConfig.json

  "wikiDirPath": "",
  "projectDirPath": "",
  "ignoreMdFiles": [],
  "ignoreMdTitles": [],
  "ignoreDirs": [],
  "statsEnabled": false,
  "useGitignore": true,
  "plugins": []

wikiDirPath: Path to wiki directory. ./wiki/ by default.

projectDirPath: Path to project directory. ./ by default.

ignoreMdFiles: List of files to not add to the wiki. To ignore specific files, include the path (example: ./ To ignore files by file name, don't include the path (example:

ignoreMdTitles: Ignore by the first line of markdown files.

ignoreDirs: List of directories to ignore. Includes node_modules.

statsEnabled: Creates a stats markdown file for the wiki. This file can only be created for git repositories with commits. False by default.

useGitignore: Ignore directories and markdown files in .gitignore. True by default.

useLogger: Errors will be logged to wiki-build.log in the project's root directory. True by default.

plugins: Add plugins here. These plugins should have corresponding local node modules. If the node_modules directory is not in the same directory as the project's root, give the module (plugin) path instead of its name. Example Usage: ["plugin-one", "plugin-two"]. A list of existing plugins and a guide to creating new ones can be found in


Run wiki-builder.

package.json example:

"scripts": {
    "wiki": "wiki-builder"

npx example:

npx wiki-builder

wiki-builder puts files into the 'wikiDirPath'. If you do not have a github wiki git submodule, you can make one.