➡️ https://yt-chapter-generator.peter-kuhmann.de
This web tool allows you to generate a YouTube chapter description based on your Final Cut Pro poject markers.
Just export your FCP project to XML, select the file, and you can copy the chapter description.
➡️ https://yt-chapter-generator.peter-kuhmann.de
- Default markers (blue ones)
- Chapter markers (orange ones)
Related YouTube video: https://youtu.be/1JyTqRTcRHk 🔗
- Next.js
- React
- Tailwind
- Zip.js
- Vercel
While building this tool, the following docs about the FCP XML export were very helpful:
- Docs: Element asset-clip 🔗
- Docs: Element marker 🔗
- Docs: Element chapter-marker 🔗
- Docs: attributes Docs 🔗
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