#KeepAccount Android App
an android accounting app that can make accounts kept convenience after consumptions.
- Provide the operation of adding, updating, deleting the record of account
- Manage categories of your account
- Search the record of account according to money range, date range, type
- Create the pie chart, bar chart, line chart based on search data
- Send notifications about weekly, monthly, annual report
- Magic box would help track your spending
- Backup the whole data on the phone by days
- Ormlite for object relational mapping
- Achartengine for android chart creation
- IKAnalyzer for word segmentation
- Netty for rapid and maintainable network communication
- Protocol Buffers for encoding and decoding structured data
The build requires the Android SDK to be installed in your development environment. In addition you'll need to download the PUtils as a dependent Maven project.