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Runtime options

Peter Corke edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

Runtime options

The runtime behaviour is controlled by a number of options:

Option Default Switch Switch Description
backend None -b --backend Matplotlib backend to use, default is OS specific
tiles '3x4' -t RxC --tiles RxC Size of grid to tile plots
graphics True +g -g --graphics --no-graphics Plots are disabled/enabled
animation False +a -a --animation --no-animation Animations are disabled/enabled, otherwise only final value is displayed
hold True +H -H --hold --no-hold Hold all plots at end of run
shape None --shape WxH Shape of each plot
altscreen True +A -A --altscreen --no-altscreen Place grid of plots on second monitor
progress True -p --no-progress Disable progress bar in terminal
debug '' -d FLAGS --debug FLAGS Specify debug functionality by string of single-letter codes
simtime None -S T --simtime T Maximum simulation time
verbose False -v --verbose Display additional information
quiet False -q --quiet Suppress display of information such as reports
set [] -s block.param=value --set block.param=value Override block parameters with
outfile None -o Set output file to bd.out
outfile None --out FILE Set output file to FILE

The options can be specified by a number of mechanisms, and in decreasing priority order:

  • command line options
  • code options
  • environment variable BDSIM is a comma or semi-color separated list of key=value pairs
  • code defaults as per the table above

Command line switches are of the form:

  • +X or --option to set True (enable)
  • -X or --no-option to set False disable

Code options are of the form:

bd.options.set(option1=value1, option2=value2, ...)

The set option is not yet implemented.