An NLP framework for large scale processing using Hadoop. KOSHIK supports parsing of text in multiple languages including English, Swedish, and Chinese.
Before processing a corpus, the corpus must be imported into Koshik. Koshik supports import from plain text, CoNLL2006/2009, and Wikipedia XML dumps. To import from a Wikipedia XML dump file, run:
hadoop jar Koshik-1.0.1.jar se.lth.cs.koshik.util.Import -input /enwiki-20140102-pages-articles.xml -inputformat wikipedia -language eng -charset utf-8 -output /enwiki_avro
The imported documents can then be parsed using the analysis tools in Koshik. To parse using an English semantic role labeler, run:
hadoop jar Koshik-1.0.1.jar se.lth.cs.koshik.util.EnglishPipeline -D mapred.reduce.tasks=12 -D -archives -input /enwiki_avro -output /enwiki_semantic
Importing data into Hive:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE koshikdocs ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION '/hivetablekoshik' TBLPROPERTIES('avro.schema.url'='hdfs:///AvroDocument.avsc');
LOAD DATA INPATH '/enwiki_semantic/*.avro' INTO TABLE koshikdocs; -
Number of articles:
SELECT count(identifier) from koshikdocs;
Number of sentences:
SELECT count(ann) FROM koshikdocs LATERAL VIEW explode(annotations.layer) annTable as ann WHERE ann LIKE '%Sentence';
Number of tokens:
SELECT count(ann) FROM koshikdocs LATERAL VIEW explode(annotations.layer) annTable as ann WHERE ann LIKE '%Token';
Number of nouns:
SELECT count(key) FROM (SELECT explode(ann) AS (key,value) FROM (SELECT ann FROM koshikdocs LATERAL VIEW explode(annotations.features) annTable as ann) annmap) decmap WHERE key='POSTAG' AND value LIKE 'NN%';
The language model files for the tools used in KOSHIK can be downloaded from the following sites:
Please cite the following paper, if you use KOSHIK:
- Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues, 2014. KOSHIK: A large-scale distributed computing framework for NLP. In Proceedings of ICPRAM 2014 – The 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 464–470, Angers, March 6-8 2014. [PDF]