Dump slack images containing text keywords
Leverages Slack search's built-in image-to-text/OCR capabilities to find images containing the specified text. Use it to find screenshots of valid secrets or other interesting images.
usage: slack-image-dump [-h] -q QUERY -w WORKSPACE [-c COOKIE] [-u USER_AGENT]
Commandline tool to dump slack images from a workspace based on a specified query
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
Slack keyword search query
Slack workspace url to search
-c COOKIE, --cookie COOKIE
Slack d cookie extracted from a browser session (starting with `xoxd-`)
-u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
Optional User-Agent override
slack-image-dump expects a cookie supplied with the -c parameter or set with the environment variable SLACK_COOKIE
Example usage:
slack-image-dump --query '"client_secret"' --workspace yourcompanyname --cookie xoxd-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This downloads each image in the result set to a newly created directory called slack-image-dump-client_secret/