Draw with your accelerometer! Open index.html in Chrome, click anywhere to create brushes, and move your device around to draw. And don't drop it! :-)
- Google Chrome 7 or higher
- A machine with an accelerometer, Sudden Motion Sensor, or any other Chrome-supported device orientation sensor
Other devices
I've only personally tested this on a MacBook Pro. It may also work on iOS 4.2 (iPhone 4 and iPad 2) and certain tablet devices.
- Add support for different colors (black on off-white is depressing)
- Control brush sizes
- Reposition walls on browser resize
- Rework mechanism for shape trails
- Uses Box2DJS, a port of the Box2D C++ physics engine
- Object drawing and physics implementation adapted from a Box2DJS tutorial by Tony Lukasavage
- Accelerometer support adapted from mrdoob's awesome Ball Pool experiment