GET /update?firmware=<firmwareType>&version=<firmwareVersion>
- Process firmware update request- Parameters:
- The firmware type of the requesting device.version
- The firmware version of the requesting device.
- Required headers:
- The MAC address of the requesting device.
- Return options:
200 OK
- Content will also contain the binary of the updated firmware.304 Not Modified
- Indicates that there are no new firmware for this device.400 Bad Request
- Indicates missing MAC or current firmware.500 Internal Server Error
- Indicates an error processing the upgrade. See the message for more information.
- Parameters:
- Get the device record from the device service
- If the device is yet unknown, record it and return 304
- If a specific firmware type and version are assigned:
- If the device is currently using that version, return 304
- If the device is using some other firmware, return the assigned firmware
- If a firmware type is assigned, but no version:
- Get the latest firmware of that type from the firmware service
- If the latest is newer than what's currently on the device, return that firmware
- If the latest is the same or older than what's currently on the device, return 304
- If the device has no assigned firmware, return 304