- Computing Environemnt
- Target List Construction
- Cookbook For CKS-X
- Data Access
- Isoclassify Cadence
- Kepler Headers
Use the ckscool environment on Petigura's laptop
conda activate ckscool
conda install numpy==1.15.4 # this avoids the ValueError: cannot set WRITEABLE flag to True of this array #24839
conda install scipy matplotlib astropy pandas d seaborn scikit-learn pytables
conda install -c conda-forge healpy # needed for dustmaps also got healpy==1.11 to work
conda install joblib # needed for occurrence valley work
pip install h5py # conda doesn't seem to work
pip install mwdust
pip install pyephem
pip install lmfit
pip install ebfpy
isoclassify on f6f16e
- Compute stellar/planet parameters
- Access the CKS-Cool dataset
Copy over CKS-Gaia HDF file
cp ../CKS-Gaia/load_table_cache.hdf data/cksgaia_cache.hdf
Generate a symlink to
Note the DR25 chains are created in
repo. See its readme file. Users looking to rerun code, will need to get the datafile from Petigura. -
Query Gaia parameters. Instructions here
Download smemp and smsyn catalogs to
https://jump.caltech.edu/explorer/58/ mv ~/Downloads/CKS_Spectroscopic_Parameters.csv data/
Run the isoclassify code on combined DR1+DR2 dataset.
Run the isoclassify code in three modes on three different spectroscopic parameters. On the combined DR1+DR2 data
First generate the csv files of stellar parameters
bin/run_ckscool.py create-iso-batch # creates 9 csv files
Note, if you need to run just a few new stars, add line in
conda activate isoclassify
Look at the logs and confirm isoclassify is behaving right. Run them on Erik's laptop.
isoclassify multiproc direct 6 data/isoclassify-smsyn-direct.csv isoclassify/smsyn/direct.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smsyn/direct/ --plot none isoclassify multiproc grid 6 data/isoclassify-smsyn-grid-parallax-yes.csv isoclassify/smsyn/grid-parallax-yes.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smsyn/grid-parallax-yes/ --plot none isoclassify multiproc grid 6 data/isoclassify-smsyn-grid-parallax-no.csv isoclassify/smsyn/grid-parallax-no.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smsyn/grid-parallax-no/ --plot none isoclassify multiproc direct 6 data/isoclassify-smemp-direct.csv isoclassify/smemp/direct.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smemp/direct/ --plot none isoclassify multiproc grid 6 data/isoclassify-smemp-grid-parallax-yes.csv isoclassify/smemp/grid-parallax-yes.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smemp/grid-parallax-yes/ --plot none isoclassify multiproc grid 6 data/isoclassify-smemp-grid-parallax-no.csv isoclassify/smemp/grid-parallax-no.csv --baseoutdir isoclassify/smemp/grid-parallax-no/ --plot none
conda deactivate
Them create isoclassify tables
run_ckscool.py create-iso-table
Run ReaMatch.ipynb
and copy output file to reamatch.csv
to ~/Dropbox/CKS-Cool/hires/reamatch.csv
. Howard Isaacson will then add the appropriate RM designations to file.
Run the 3_Spectra-Figure ipython notebook
rsync -av --progress --files-from=data/fig_spectra/fig_spectra-files.txt cadence:/ data/fig_spectra/
Takes about 1 hour to run with 1000 samples
bin/run_ckscool.py create-gradient # stores results in analysis/ to do a fresh run, remove or move this directory
Calling this will generate a bunch of other cached results
run_ckscool.py build plot all run_ckscool.py build table all run_ckscool.py build val all run_ckscool.py build csv all
The full list of star and planet properties are in data/ckscool-planets-cuts.csv
see data/column-definitions.txt
for a description of the columns.
The is*
columns correspond to cuts. See the ckscool/cuts.py for additional info.
Note when running on cadence, there was a really weird issue with h5py. Where it was taking 30s to read in the Combined Dustmap
Get bactch download script here
Combine wget scripts and cat them into one file and only pull the fits files.
cat ~/Downloads/Kepler_Quarterly_wget/Kepler_Q* | grep fits > Kepler_wget.bat
Download onto
cadence Should take about 4 hours to download all.scrape_headers.py