This is a project containing source code to the TGS image segmentation competition.
(!I misspelled TGS, and only realized two months after. You will see TSG at many places in the code and in file names.)
To run training on multiple GPUs, first follow the guides to install Horovod. Horovod allows you to run training in a distributed ring-allreduce fashion. Here is a short summary, about ring-allreduce and other distributed architectures.
The script below will split the dataset into k groups, and create symlinks in the 'folds' folder. Stratification by coverage is used to ensure each group has a good representation of the whole dataset.
To experiment with other qualities to stratify by, you can extend the TGSDatasetPreprocessor class. Stratified k-fold cross validation helps to better estimate the performance of the trained model on the unseen test set.
Further experiments: Coverage class may not be the best quality to stratify by and create a good representation of the overall dataset. It may ignore other important features.
(!Under construction)
Horovod uses MPI - Message Passing Interface under the hood, to communicate between GPUs. A basic intro can be found here.
mpirun -np 3 -bind-to none -map-by slot -x NCCL_DEBUG=INFO -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -mca pml ob1 -mca btl ^openib /home/pkovacs/anaconda3/envs/exp/bin/python --hvd=True --data_path=folds/fold_0 --model=resnet34 --batch_size=16 --epochs=90
or alternatively run the bash script below: (set the path of your python env in the script file)
./ {number_of_gpus}
Submission file will be saved in the submission folder in a 'submission_weightFileName_dateTime.csv' file
python --file_name=path_to_the_model
To generate a weighted average prediction of folds, run:
python --use_folds=True
This picks up all the weights from the 'weights/model_name/' folder and generate an avaraged prediction.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details