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Liveresults public API

Peter Löfås edited this page May 7, 2017 · 1 revision

With the new release of the LiveResults webb it includes a public API that can be used by 3rd party developers to build applications, new interfaces, Apps for Smartphones among other things

If you have built an 3rd party app and want to include it in the liveresults official webb (on for example. Contact Peter Löfås (PETER@LOFAS.SE)


September 10th 2014

  • Minor corrections of errors in the documentation and added informatiom about runner statuses

Hash to minimize transfer

Most methods in the API contains the possibility to supply a last_hash parameter in the query to only receive a new response if something have changed. This way datatransfer out from the servers can be minimized and data cached better to please use this functionality!

When data have not changed the API will return this response instead
{ "status" : "NOT MODIFIED" }

You don't need to calculate the hash yourself, it's returned in the responses as a property
{ .... "hash" : "abcdef....." }