This project aims to create a clean, modern and easy to use Bluetooth Low Energy API. LittleB exposes the BLE GATT API for Pure C using BlueZ over SD-Bus.
LittleB requires CMake 3.1+ for building. It also requires BlueZ with GATT profile activated, which is currently experimental (as of BlueZ 5.37), so you might have to run bluetoothd with the -E flag. For example, on a system with systemd (Fedora, poky, etc.) edit the bluetooth.service file (usually found in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ or /lib/systemd/system) and append -E to ExecStart line, restart the daemon with systemctl restart bluetooth.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
The last command will create the include/ and lib/ directories with a copy of the headers and library objects respectively in your build location. Note that doing an out-of-source build may cause issues when rebuilding later on.
Our cmake configure has a number of options, cmake-gui or ccmake can show you all the options. The interesting ones are detailed below:
Changing install path from /usr/local to /usr
Building debug build:
The hellolittleb example uses Arduino 101 flashed with StandardFirmataBLE ( It is looking for a bluetooth device named "FIRMATA" and will connect to it and make the on board LED blink.
If you have any issues, please go through the Troubleshooting Guide. If the solution is not there, please create a new issue on Github.
You must agree to Developer Certificate of Origin and Sign-off your code, using a real name and e-mail address. Please check the Contribution document for more details.