Tail (or search) local (or remote) file(s) and colorize the result.
usage: follow.py [-h] [--version] [--debug] [--config CFG] [-f] [-n N] [-z Z]
[-e PTRN] [-v PTRN] [-r PTRN] [-y PTRN] [-b PTRN] [-g PTRN]
Tail (or search) local (or remote) file(s) and colorize the result.
positional arguments:
[[USER@]HOST:]FILE input files from local or remote hosts
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--debug enable debug
--config CFG, -c CFG configuration file, default ~/.py-follow
-f follow FILE(s)
-n N output the last N lines, instead of last 10
-z Z Load Z group(s) from CFG file
-e PTRN match
-v PTRN invert match
-r PTRN, -R PTRN match/highlight PTRN with red
-y PTRN, -Y PTRN match/highlight PTRN with yellow
-b PTRN, -B PTRN match/highlight PTRN with blue
-g PTRN, -G PTRN match/highlight PTRN with green
- !color [my-color, '#000000'] # defines new color, my-color
- !match [FOO] # selects lines for display matching pattern FOO
- !match [FOO, my-color] # same as above, but also highlights with my-color
- !highlight [FOO, my-color] # highlights with my-color
- !nmatch [FOO] # inverted match - lines matching will not be selected
'group-name': [
Match('FOO', 'red'),
$ ./setup.sh