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mobile-button Build Status

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A module of buttons for the mobile web

Getting Started


$ npm install mobile-button --save

Usage and API

Require mobile-button

var MButton = require('mobile-button');

Common API

All buttons have the following methods:

  • setEl(el:DOMElement): set the button dom element
  • setF(f:function): set the callback function
  • bind(): attach all events handlers
  • unbind(): remove all events handlers

All common options:

  • el:DOMElement, the button dom element
  • f:function, the callback function
  • activeCls:String, the css active class
  • autobind:Boolean, option to auto bind the button, if el is already available
  • monotouchable:Boolean, option to create a button a mono touchable element
  • setActiveCls:Boolean, option to control if the css active class is used or not, default to true

The callback function can return a promise. If so, the button will wait until it's fulfilled to return to an inactive state.

Default Buttons

Default Buttons are contained only in non scrollable elements.

Touchstart Button

A touchstart button triggers his callback on touchstart.

It accepts a delay option.

var btn = new MButton.Touchstart({
    el: myElement,
    f: function () {
    delay: 500 // in ms
Touchend Button

A touchend button triggers his callback on touchend if the finger is in the active zone of the underlying button dom element.

This button accepts a activeBorder option in px.

var btn = new MButton.Touchend({
    el: myElement,
    f: function () {
    activeBorder: 20 // in px
Push Button

A push button triggers the f callback on touchstart and the g callback on touchend or when the finger leaves the active zone of the underlying button dom element. As f and g are chained g always executes after f.

This button accepts a delay and a g function in the options object.

var btn = new MButton.Push({
    el: myElement,
    f: function () {
    g: function () {
    delay: 500 // in ms

Scrollable Y Buttons

Buttons contained in a Y scrollable element (iscroll or on ios 5+ with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;).

Touchend Button

This touchend button will get canceled if the fingermove more than tolerance pixels in the Y axis. It extends the default touchend button.

This button accepts a tolerance option in px.

var ScrollableBtn = require('mobile-button').ScrollableY;

var btn = new ScrollableBtn.Touchend({
    el: myElement,
    f: function () {
    tolerance: 5 // in px

Scrollable X Buttons

Buttons contained in a X scrollable element (iscroll or on ios 5+ with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;).

Touchend Button

This touchend button will get canceled if the fingermove more than tolerance pixels in the X axis. It extends the default touchend button.

This button accepts a tolerance option in px.

var ScrollableBtn = require('mobile-button').ScrollableX;

var btn = new ScrollableBtn.Touchend({
    el: myElement,
    f: function () {
    tolerance: 5 // in px


to build examples and tests

npm install
npm run build


Check the examples.

Design taken from @Noxdzine Orange UI kit

button example 0 button example 1 button example 2 button example 3


run the tests


v0.8.1 03-04-2015

  • fix touchcancel usage #24

v0.8.0 12-15-2014

  • Add setActiveCls option

v0.7.0 11-09-2014

  • Add a PushButton which accepts two callback functions.

v0.6.1 10-15-2014

  • Better handling of exceptions thrown from callback function with Q.done

v0.6.0 09-30-2014

  • Add monotouchable option

v0.5.0 08-12-2014

  • Replaced the ClickButton with default, scrollable-x and scrollable-y buttons based on mouse events. The mobile button behavior is now consistent across all platforms, mobile and desktop.

v0.4.0 08-08-2014

  • Handling pointer events.

v0.3.0 05-02-2014

  • autobind:true by default now. No need to bind() when you don't need it!

to upgrade from <= v0.2.0, you need to remove some bind() calls or add autobind:false to the button option.

v0.2.0 03-05-2014

  • quick and dirty click buttons...

v0.1.2 02-13-2014

  • fix buttons when f the callback button function returns rejected promises.

v0.1.1 01-20-2014

  • Touchend buttons: remove active class on touchend

v0.1.0 01-16-2014

  • upgrade q to 1.0.0

v0.0.4 12-16-2013

  • back to iscroll, 5.0.9 supports commonjs

v0.0.3 12-05-2013

  • using iscroll-browserify for scrollable views

v0.0.2 12-03-2013

  • preventDefault some touchmove for chrome on android
  • fix ie tests

v0.0.1 12-03-2013

  • initial release



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