Read Me - Orchestrate.procfwk
For complete documentation on this solution see
- Granular metadata control.
- Metadata integrity checking.
- Global properties.
- Complete pipeline dependency chains.
- Execution restart-ability.
- Parallel execution.
- Full execution and error logs.
- Operational dashboards.
- Low cost orchestration.
- Disconnection between framework and Worker pipelines.
- Cross Tenant/Subscription/Data Factory control flows.
- Pipeline parameter support.
- Simple troubleshooting.
- Easy deployment.
- Email alerting.
- Automated testing.
- Azure Key Vault integration.
If you've found a bug or have a new feature request please log the details using the repository issues.
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Version | Overview | Version Details & Release Notes |
1.9.2 | Batch Executions added, plus:
GitHub Pages: Batch Executions Release Demo Summary Video: YouTube - procfwk Playlist GitHub Issues: procfwk #78 procfwk #77 procfwk #71 procfwk #73 procfwk #80 procfwk #72 |
1.9.1 | Activity Policy Update, plus:
GitHub Issues: procfwk #65 procfwk #66 procfwk #67 procfwk #69 |
1.9.0 | Cross Tenant & Subscription Support added, plus:
GitHub Issues: procfwk #34 procfwk #35 procfwk #46 procfwk #55 procfwk #56 procfwk #59 |
1.8.6 | Pipeline Expressions Refactored to Use Variables added, plus:
GitHub Issues: procfwk #51 procfwk #52 |
1.8.5 | Execution Precursor added, plus:
procfwk v1.8.5 - Execution Precursor |
1.8.4 | Database Schema Reorganise and Restructuring | procfwk v1.8.4 - Database Schema Reorganise and Restructuring |
1.8.3 | Bug Fixes from the Community, including:
GitHub Issues: procfwk #38 procfwk #37 |
1.8.2 | Optionally Store SPN Details in Azure Key Vault | procfwk v1.8.2 - Optionally Store SPN Details in Azure Key Vault |
1.8.1 | Automated Framework Pipeline Testing added, including tests for:
Blog Series: |
1.8.0 | Complete Pipeline Dependency Chains For Failure Handling added, plus:
procfwk v1.8 - Complete Pipeline Dependency Chains For Failure Handling |
1.7.3 | Data Factory Deployment Updated To Use PowerShell Module | SQLPlayer/ |
1.7.2 | Pipeline Parameter NULL Handling added, plus:
procfwk v1.7.2 - NULL Pipeline Parameters Handled |
1.7.1 | Alerting Check Bug Fix added, plus:
procfwk v1.7.1 - Alerting Bug Fix And Pipeline Parameter Size Limit Removed |
1.7.0 | Pipleline EMail Alerting added, plus:
procfwk v1.7 - Pipeline Email Alerting |
1.6.0 | Error Details for Failed Activities Captured, plus:
procfwk v1.6 - Error Details for Failed Activities Captured |
1.5.0 | Power BI Dashboard for Framework Executions, plus:
procfwk v1.5 - Power BI Dashboard for Framework Executions |
1.4.0 | Enhancements for Long Running Pipelines, plus:
procfwk v1.4 - Enhancements for Long Running Pipelines |
1.3.0 | Metadata Integrity Checks, plus:
procfwk v1.3 - Metadata Integrity Checks |
1.2.0 | Execution Restartability, plus:
procfwk v1.2 - Execution Restartability |
1.1.0 | Service Principal Handling via Metadata, plus:
procfwk v1.1 - Service Principal Handling via Metadata |
1.0.0 | Simple framework designed and base compontents built.
Blog Series: Creating a Simple Staged Metadata Driven Processing Framework for Azure Data Factory Pipelines |