Backend for the Wavenet for Chrome extension.
A live version of the backend is hosted at So running the backend locally is not required for development of the extension. However, if you want to run the backend locally, follow the instructions below:
Create a .env
file in the root directory with the following contents:
# Google
export TTS_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
export TTS_API_URL=
# Database
export PGHOST=<your_postgres_host>
export POSTGRES_DB=<your_postgres_db>
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your_postgres_password>
export POSTGRES_USER=<your_postgres_user>
# Stripe (Not required for development using your own API key)
export STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=<your_stripe_secret_key>
export STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET=<your_stripe_signing_secret>
export STRIPE_PRICE_ID=<your_stripe_price_id>
Then source your .env
file and run the server:
# Source your .env file
source .env
# Install dependencies
mix deps.get
# Create and migrate your database
mix ecto.setup
# Run the server
mix phx.server