Yet another toolkit of algorithms and data structures for .NET developers.
dotnet add package AlgoKit
The project has two main purposes:
- Provide tools that are handy, intuitive, and highly effective in practice.
- Write heavily documented and carefully designed code so that people can easily understand it and learn from it.
By fulfilling these purposes, AlgoKit is intended to stand out from the gazillion of other libraries as a solution of top quality.
- Binary heaps,
- Quaternary heaps,
- d-ary heaps,
- Binomial heaps,
- Pairing heaps.
- Lexicographic ordering (Knuth's Algorithm L).
- Fisher-Yates shuffle (Knuth's Algorithm P).
- Base converter (supporting arbitrary collection of digits)
Star the project, give feedback, suggest an improvement you need, or just tell me about your day 😄 Feel free to open an issue or to submit a pull request.
The MIT License. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy or substantial use of this work.