A subclass of UITableViewController that presents a simple UITableView with cells based on the passed items. If a cell is tapped by the user, a handler is fired which takes the chosen item as its argument. This view controller is very usefull for building settings screens like in the iPhone settings. See test project and screenshots for examples.
Copy and paste the file PGChoiceViewController.swift to your project.
See the example project or example code below.
enum SortBy: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case Date, Priority, Deadline, Title, Progress
var description: String {
return self.rawValue
class MyViewController: UITableViewController {
let sortByChoices: [SortBy] = [.Date, .Priority, .Title, .Progress, .Deadline]
let currentSortByChoice = SortBy.sortBy
func showSortByChoiceController() {
let choiceController = PGChoiceViewController(choices: sortByChoices, currentChoice: currentSortByChoice, choiceHandler: { (sortBy) -> Void in
self.currentSortByChoice = sortBy
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(choiceController, animated: true)