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An experimental barchart constructed from JS/JQuery, using CSS Grid. It is a simple embeddable package which provides many options for displaying basic and stackable bar charts. This project began as an assignment for the Lighthouse Labs bootcamp's Web Development prep course.


alt text alt text alt text alt text



Simply save barchart.js and barchart.css from the dist/ folder into your project to install the necessary files. Place the following lines in your page's <head>:

<script src="barchart.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="barchart.css">

Call the following function from within any <script> tag and the chart will render to the DOM element specified:

drawBarChart(data, options, element)


Chart data

data must be given as an array of data objects, each object representing a single column of data.

Each data object within the array has the following properties:

  • columnLabel (String): Label to be applied under the column (x-axis)

To create a simple bar (only one value), use the following properties:

  • value (Integer/Float): the data amount
  • color (String, optional, default: #0AF): the bar's color. Can be given as hex value (eg. '#FA0'), HTML color name (eg. 'red'), 'rgba()', 'hsla()', etc
  • description (String, optional): the text displayed inside the bar (mostly used for multi-bar columns)

To create a multi-bar column (ie. stacked bars), substitute the above value property for the following:

  • multiValues (Array): ordered array (bottom to top) of data objects. Each object in the array uses the same properties as above, ie. value, color, and description. It is recommended to use different colors and give descriptions to help distinguish your data.

Chart axes are automatically generated based on the data given (ie. number of columns, maximum value)

Chart options

options are specified as a single object with the following properties. All parameters are optional.

  • title (String): The chart's title text
  • titleFontColor (String, default '#222'): Title font color
  • titleFontSize (String, default '24px'): Title font size
  • titlePosition (String, default: 'top'): The title's position. can be 'top' or 'bottom'
  • gridlineSpacingY (Integer/Float): the separation between horizontal lines and y-axis tick labels. If not given, no lines will show except top line
  • barSpacing (String, default '10px'): Horizontal padding between bars
  • showDataValueLabels (Boolean, default true): Show the bar's numeric value inside the bar
  • showDataDescriptions (Boolean, default true): Show the bar's description (if given) inside the bar
  • dataLabelFontColor (String, default '#222'): The label's font color
  • dataLabelBgColor (String, default '#rgba(255,255,255,0.2)'): The label's background color
  • dataLabelVerticalAlign (String, default 'top'): The placement of the data label within the bar. Can be 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'

Chart element

Id of the element where the chart will be rendered ie. element = 'barchart-1' will render to <div #barchart-1>


  • y-axis labels cannot format decimals/exponentials


  • custom chart element sizing
  • scale data to 100% chart height
  • build-step minification for distribution
  • prefix/suffix units for y-axis labels

External Resources Consulted


Lighthouse labs prep - barchart






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