This repo holds an automatically bootstrapped nomad + consul Vagrant cluster with at least 3 server nodes and, depending on your configuration of ansible inventory
an x amount of consul/nomad clients.
Each host will be bootstrapped by Ansible with a nomad agent, consul agent, dnsmasq and telegraf (for statsd output of Nomad/Consul and other metrics).
Based on your inventory
, Ansible will provision the nomad agent with a server or client configuration.
DNSmasq is installed by default on all hosts for resolving DNS requests for *.consul
using Consul
A Telegraf agent is installed as a service on each host to collect metrics and output them to influxdb.service.consul
by default. If you start an InfluxDB instance (in the provided /jobs/influxdb.nomad) you can start querying for any metrics that Nomad/Consul output or any metrics that you configure in the telegraf.conf