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Ports and Adapters, DDD, CQRS & Even Driven Architecture in PHP

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Ports and Adapters, DDD, CQRS &
Event Driven Architecture in PHP

CI pipeline status

This project follow the Event Sourcing pattern described on Microsoft Site.

✔ Project Technology

This project have the follow features

1. The Event Store is the authoritative data source. All events are stored using an append-only operation.

2. Subscribers build materialized views.

3. External systems and applications have available all domain events by message queue.

🖥️ Stack Technology

PHP 7.4


RabbitMQ 3.7

🚀 Environment Setup

🐳 Needed tools

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone this project: git clone
  3. Move to the project folder: cd task

🛠️ Environment configuration

  1. All params are defined on .env file

🔥 Application execution

  1. Install all the dependencies and bring up the project with Docker executing:

    ./ start -> run docker images

    ./ configure -> configure all dependencies project

  2. This app is only available by Command Interface Line You can see all availables command executing:

    docker exec -it task-php bin/console

    You can see all domain event published on RabbitMQ - exchange domain_events on

    http://localhost:8090 (guess/guess)


👩‍💻 Project explanation

This project tries to be a Task Manager App.

You can:

  1. Create users docker exec -it task-php bin/console user:create

  2. Create Tasks docker exec -it task-php bin/console task:create

  3. Get Tasks assigned to user today docker exec -it task-php bin/console task:find:user:today


🎯 Ports and Adapters / Hexagonal Architecture

This repository follow the Ports and Adapters / Hexagonal Architecture pattern.

├── Application
│   ├── Task
│   │   ├── CreateTask
│   │   │   ├── CreateTaskCommand.php
│   │   │   └── CreateTaskHandler.php
│   │   ├── GetTask
│   │   │   ├── GetTaskHandler.php
│   │   │   └── GetTaskQuery.php
│   │   └── GetTasksByUserAndDate
│   │       ├── GetTasksByUserAndDateHandler.php
│   │       └── GetTasksByUserAndDateQuery.php
│   └── User
│       ├── CreateUser
│       │   ├── CreateUserCommand.php
│       │   └── CreateUserHandler.php
│       └── GetUsers
│           ├── GetUsersHandler.php
│           └── GetUsersQuery.php
├── Domain
│   ├── Event
│   │   ├── Task
│   │   │   └── CreatedTaskSubscriber.php
│   │   └── User
│   │       └── CreatedUserSubscriber.php
│   └── Model
│       ├── Common
│       │   ├── Aggregate
│       │   │   └── AggregateRoot.php
│       │   ├── Event
│       │   │   ├── DomainEvent.php
│       │   │   ├── DomainEventPublisher.php
│       │   │   ├── DomainEventSubscriber.php
│       │   │   ├── EventBus.php
│       │   │   └── EventStore.php
│       │   ├── Exception
│       │   │   ├── ConflictException.php
│       │   │   └── NotFoundException.php
│       │   └── ValueObject
│       │       └── UuidIdentifier.php
│       ├── Task
│       │   ├── Description.php
│       │   ├── MaxCharactersAllowedException.php
│       │   ├── Priority.php
│       │   ├── PriorityNotAllowedException.php
│       │   ├── Summary.php
│       │   ├── Task.php
│       │   ├── TaskCreatedV1.php
│       │   ├── TaskId.php
│       │   ├── TaskNotFoundException.php
│       │   ├── TaskProjection.php
│       │   ├── TaskRead.php
│       │   ├── TaskReadRepository.php
│       │   └── TaskTrait.php
│       └── User
│           ├── User.php
│           ├── UserCreatedV1.php
│           ├── UserId.php
│           ├── UserProjection.php
│           ├── UserRead.php
│           ├── UserReadRepository.php
│           └── UserTrait.php
└── Infrastructure
    ├── Bus
    │   ├── Command
    │   │   └── ThePhpLeague
    │   │       └── ThePhpLeagueCommandBus.php
    │   ├── Event
    │   │   └── CommandEventBus.php
    │   └── Query
    │       └── ThePhpLeague
    │           ├── QueryBus.php
    │           └── ThePhpLeagueQueryBus.php
    ├── DI
    │   └── ThePhpLeague
    │       ├── CommandHandlerProvider.php
    │       ├── Container.php
    │       ├── ProjectionProvider.php
    │       ├── QueryHandlerProvider.php
    │       ├── RepositoryProvider.php
    │       ├── ServiceProvider.php
    │       └── SubscriberProvider.php
    ├── MessageBroker
    │   ├── NullPublisher.php
    │   └── RabbitMq
    │       ├── RabbitMqConfigurer.php
    │       ├── RabbitMqConnection.php
    │       └── RabbitMqPublisher.php
    ├── Persistence
    │   ├── EventStore
    │   │   └── MySql
    │   │       └── MySqlDoctrineDbalEventStore.php
    │   ├── Task
    │   │   └── MySql
    │   │       └── MySqlDoctrineDbalTaskReadRepository.php
    │   └── User
    │       └── MySql
    │           └── MySqlDoctrineDbalUserReadRepository.php
    ├── Projection
    │   ├── Task
    │   │   └── MySql
    │   │       └── MySqlDoctrineDbalTaskProjection.php
    │   └── User
    │       └── MySql
    │           └── MySqlDoctrineDbalUserProjection.php
    └── UI
        └── Command
            ├── Database
            │   ├── CreateDatabaseCommand.php
            │   └── CreateSchemaCommand.php
            ├── Message
            │   └── CreateExchangeCommand.php
            ├── Task
            │   ├── GetTasksByUserAndSheduledTodayCommand.php
            │   └── TaskCreateCommand.php
            └── User
                └── UserCreateCommand.php


This project separate WRITE / READ models.

WRITE models have behavior (we avoid setters)

READ models are immutable because they are simple, cacheable and predictable.

All models must be always VALID

We avoid auto-generated identifiers. We use UIIDs

Command Bus

We use command bus for all use cases need write

All commands are executed with transactional mode

Query Bus

We use query bus for all use cases need only read

All queries are executed without transaction

Event Bus

We use event bus for

  1. Append the domain events to Event Store
  2. Execute subscribers subscribed to domain events
  3. Publish all domain event to message queue

🔦 Test

This project contain unit and integration test and we cover 100% of code on domain and application layers.

You can execute the code coverage with the follow command:

./ metrics

The report is generated on metrics folder with HTML format