An extension for the GR library using the same interface as Rubyplot.
Firstly, make sure that you have ruby-dev
sudo apt install ruby-dev
Now, we need to install the backend (GR Framework) the easiest way to install GR framework is to simply select your system configuration here and following the process mentioned. But instead of installing python-gr replace it with just gr. [for example: sudo apt-get install gr (in case of Ubuntu) ] (unless you also want GR Framework for Python)
This will install GR Framework in /usr . So we will create a symbolic link for the same by:
sudo ln -s /usr/gr /usr/local/gr
Now we install my version of Rubyplot by:
git clone
cd GRruby-extension
sudo gem install rspec ZenTest rspec-autotest hoe rmagick rake-compiler
rake compile
You can generate documents using
yard doc
and view them (on web browser) using:
yard server