B3 plugin that works with CoD4X to change player name if it is Unicode (or unrecognizable by B3).
This plugin was designed to address the problem of player with Unicode names being unable to be banned/tempbanned due to empty name.
NOTE: Installation requires some knowledge about installing custom scripts on your server.
- Put the file named "cod4xasciiname.py" into your b3\extplugins folder.
- In the b3.ini under the [plugins] section, enter the following:
cod4xasciiname: none
- Put the contents of the main_shared folder into your CoD4X root\main_shared
- Add the follwing line into the file named _callbacksetup.gsx. At the end of the function named CodeCallback_StartGameType.
thread asciirename::init();
- Restart both the CoD4X server and B3. All done!