Using entry_points
in your makes scripts that start really
slowly because it imports pkg_resources
, which is a horrible thing
to do if you want your trivial script to execute more or less instantly.
check it out: pypa/setuptools#510
importing fastentrypoints
in your file produces scripts
that look like this:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from package.module import entry_function
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
This is ripped directly from the way wheels do it and is faster than whatever the heck the normal console scripts do.
This bug in setuptools only affects packages built with the normal method. Building wheels avoids the problem and has many other
benefits as well. fastentrypoints
simply ensures that your user
scripts will not automatically import pkg_resources, no matter how
they are built.
To use fastentrypoints, simply copy into your project
folder in the same directory as, and import fastentrypoints
in your file. This monkey-patches
in the
background, which in turn produces simple entry scripts (like the one
above) when you install the package.
If you install fastentrypoints as a module, you have the fastep
executable, which will copy into the working
directory (or into a list of directories you give it as arguments) and
append include
to the file, and
add an import statement to It is available from PyPI.
You can't really make it a proper dependency because setuptools has to import it to work, so chicken-egg. right? Luckily, the script is trivial and will not hurt you project much to copy this 60-line file into the folder. Be sure to add it to MANIFEST.ini if you want to distributie it on PyPI.
Alternatively, if you don't want to vendor the code, it is possible to install it from pypi with easy_install in the setup script:
import fastentrypoints
except ImportError:
from setuptools.command import easy_install
import pkg_resources
import fastentrypoint
Let me know if there are places where this doesn't work well. I've
mostly tested it with console_scripts
so far, since I don't write
the other thing.