Simply use the run() method start the promise chain and put the followed functions in order inside a .then() or add all the functions to a queue and when ever you want the queue to be executed run the .runQueue() method.
After installing the package either globally or locally, import or require in the javascript source you need to use in and create an instence. to install locally:
npm install promiserunner # installs locally
Or to install globally make sure you have the correct privilidges,
npm install -g promiserunner # installs globally
var PromiseRunner = require('promiserunner');
var chain=new PromiseRunner();
There are two ways to By using the add method queue up the functions to be run asynchronously followed by the parameters the function accepts in an array in the correct order.
Keep in mind to add chain.resolve() or chain.reject() to the place you want the function to continue to the next one in line. The body of function f1 would look something like this:
var f1=function(input){
chain.resolve(); //this is where we go to the next function
when ever there is need for the queue to run use the runQueue() method to start the asynchronouse run process.
Another method to run wrap the functions in a promise would be to use the .run() method directly:
- somewhere in the body of the function a resolve('someMessage') must be provided so that the chain doesn't break and the promise and resolves to the next function. You may also put a reject and if the function fails call .reject().
var i=1;
var f1=function one(resolve,i){ //resolve as the first parameter
chain.resolve('done'); //resolve here
chain.reject('fail'); //rejects here
- create tests
- add stop and pause functionalities to queue runner
- Add Code Comments
- GitHub repository: Linke to PromiseRunners GitHub Repository
- GitHub homepage: Link to PromiseRunners GitHub Home
- Promises on MDN: Link to the Promise Explanation page on MDN
- Can I Use: Which browsers support promises