A few of the things you can do with Retro:
- Sign in / Sign up with Linkedin
- Create new sprint retrospective using a template
- Customizing a sprint retrospective
- Let user access the retrospective session through a pin code
- Add card representing opinions to a specific topic
- Vote in a card
- Slideshow with the most relevant cards
- Add actions to a specific card
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
We also use Conventional Commits and Standard Version, to automatic versioning and CHANGELOG generation
Command | Description |
npm start | Builds the application and starts a web server for development purpose, with live-reload on change files. |
npm run ng | Run Angular CLI without the necessity of it been installed globally. Check Angular CLI documentation: https://cli.angular.io/ |
npm run build | Compiles the application for production into an output directory (/dist ). |
npm run test | Execute unit tests via Karma with live-reload on file changes. |
npm run test:no-watch | Execute unit tests via Karma a single time and with chrome headless. |
npm run test:coverage | Execute unit tests outputting a code coverage report on /src/coverage folder. |
npm run lint | Execute a lint using tslint. |
npm run e2e | Execute end-to-end tests via Protractor. |
npm run ci | Run lint, unit tests, end-to-end tests and build in a single command to check for any error. |
npm run release | Run Standard-Version CLI to make the changelog and bump version. |
|-- app
| |-- app.module.ts
| |-- app.routes.ts
| |-- app.component.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
| |
| |-- [+] components
| |-- [+] directives
| |-- [+] guards
| |-- [+] interceptors
| |-- [+] interfaces
| |-- [+] models
| |-- [+] modules
| |-- [+] pipes
| |-- [+] resolvers
| |-- [+] services
|-- assets
| |-- [+] icons
| |-- [+] images
|-- config
| |-- [+] environments
| |-- [+] settings.ts
|-- styles
|-- [+] externals
|-- [+] partials
|-- styles.scss
|-- theme.scss
This software uses code from several open source packages.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Website pheliperocha.com · GitHub @pheliperocha · Linkedin @pheliperocha