Project title: Pre-Operative Clinic Simulation and Scheduling
Supervisor: Dr. Douglas Down
Project Description: Currently, patient pre-operative clinic scheduling is performed manually, consuming considerable time and introducing inefficiencies. Here, we propose a tool to provide clinic staff an easy and flexible way to automate and optimize scheduling, eliminating bottlenecks while satisfying constraints. This tool will incorporate algorithmic components involving queues, scheduling, and discrete event simulation. Users would be able to simulate clinic patient flow, identifying critical points and observing system sensitivity to variable adjustment, such as the addition of a nurse, or a change in employee work schedule. Functionality would also include the ability to find optimal patient schedules based on specified constraints. The tool would be delivered as an easy to use, device agnostic web application, customizable to allow for additional constraints. We will be working closely with hospital staff to understand product requirements, and will focus on making the product general enough to be implemented in other clinics.
Team Name: ClinicFlow
Team Members: Maxim Vasiliev - - 400043983 Susie Yu - - 000955758 Karl Knopf - - 001437217 Weilin Hu - - 001150873 Lee - - 001335650
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