Uses SIM800 GPRS on the board to send car information to an MQTT broker
Download the ESP IDF framework and toolchain
Follow the hello world example to ensure everthing is up and running.
To checkout the firmware
git clone --recursive
cd phev-ttgo menuconfig
Configure the PPP config and WiFi connection for your car. Also you can use a different MQTT broker if you don't want to use a public one. -p <COM> flash monitor
An ID is created based on the ESP MAC address which is logged at start up.
The device will try and register itself, so put the car into registration mode and make sure the device is in WiFi range (you should see in the logs if it connects ok).
Once registered it will start to broadcast to the MQTT topic
/ttgo/devices/<mac address>/events
You can then send updates to
/ttgo/devices/<mac address>/commands
topic in the following JSON format.
"requests" : [
"updateRegister" : {
"register" : 2,
"value" : [0,0,255,255,255,255,1,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255]
"operation" : {
"airCon" : "on"
The command above sets the aircon to ten minute cool.
Happy PHEV Hacking!
docker build <docker_username>/phev-ttgo .
docker run -v ~/phev-ttgo:/workspace phev-ttgo " menuconfig"
docker run -v ~/phev-ttgo:/workspace phev-ttgo " build"