This project simulates a home service robot picking up an object at a pickup location and dropping it off back at it's starting location.
- Build Gazebo world
- Deploy turtlebot
- Build environment map using SLAM gmapping
- Integrating ROS node publishing pickup and dropoff locations with navigation
- Integrating ROS node publishing interactive "package" markers in Gazebo
- Launching project through shell scripts
- Requires ROS installation
- Create catkin_ws and clone /src folder contents into /src directory of workspace
- Build cakin_ws
- Source ROS environment
- Launch from /shellScripts directory
- Robot navigation executes automatically
- Create the room map from scratch before launching navigation
- Launch
- Build map by controlling robot with keyboard_teleop terminal
- Additionally launch script after building complete map
- In /src/world/ rename newMap.yaml and newMap.pgm to "MyFlat", replace existing files in world/MyFlat folder
- Edit myFlat.yaml file: replace pgm directory with name of pgm file only (no directory needed)
- Follow instructions to launch section