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Version 1.0

No due date 46% complete

Get HA-Dockermon to a point where it features MQTT discovery, and the ability to pull and re-create docker containers all from within this project.

Example use cases are:

  • Multiple HA-Dockermon instances running on servers throughout the home, each exposing entities to Home Assistant via MQTT discovery
  • A Home Assistant script which can tell HA-Dockermon t…

Get HA-Dockermon to a point where it features MQTT discovery, and the ability to pull and re-create docker containers all from within this project.

Example use cases are:

  • Multiple HA-Dockermon instances running on servers throughout the home, each exposing entities to Home Assistant via MQTT discovery
  • A Home Assistant script which can tell HA-Dockermon to pull down a latest image from Dockerhub and then stop, remove and re-create a container similar to WatchTower.