This modeling framework uses the MetaDepth framework to model and generate collaborative Android applications. The following modeling components are included in the framework:
- Chat component
- Dropbox component
- Foursquare component
- Geo component
- List component
- Login component
- SMS component
- Timer component
- Twitter component
The chat, dropbox, list and login components can communicate with a server written in Node.js. Both the components and the server can be modeled, after which an Android client and a Node.js server implementation will be generated.
You can download the modeling framework from this Github repository. Dependencies:
In the samples directory, you can find several example models that will generate working Android applications. To initiate Metadepth, use the following script
set DIR "collaborative/"
load "samples/collaborative"
context myApp
load EGL "templates/egl/codeGenServer.egl"
load EGL "templates/egl/codeGen.egl"
and execute
java -jar metaDepth.jar < script
The variable DIR, the samples file and the context have to be set manually depending on the example that should be generated.
Philip De Smedt (author of the modeling framework)
Juan de Lara (author of Metadepth and co-promotor of my thesis)
Esther Guerra (author of Metadepth)
Hans Vangheluwe (promotor of my thesis)
Bart Meyers (PhD candidate at University of Antwerp and co-guide for my thesis :-))