Convert, En- & Decode, Format, Tranform, Hash any (selected) text or files & add own simple JS scripts to extend with any functionality you need
These functions are usually executed on the whole document or on the selection if some text is selected.
- (Un-)Escape Text (add/remove backslashes before " & ')
- (En-) & Decode Base64, JWT, HTML Entities, URLs
- Convert JSON <-> YAML, CSV <-> JSON, HEX -> RGB, Hex <-> Dec <-> Binary, Date <-> Timestamp <-> UTC Timestamp
- Hash: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
- Format & Minify: JSON, XML, CSS, SQL
- Count: Lines, Words, Characters
- Transform text to upper/lower, camel, kebab, snake, start, sponge case, trim
- Sort / Shuffle lines
- Duplicate to current or new file
- Add your own JS scripts to provide any functionality you'd like
- and more ...
You can get Voop from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
Press Ctrl+Shift+P
and enter Voop
. Execute Voop
to get a list of available scripts, execute Voop: Reload Scripts
to update the list of available scripts after adding custom scripts to the custom scripts folder.
If you want to open the transformation result in a new file instead, press Ctrl+Shift+P
and execute Voop: Transformation Result in new File
Use Ctrl+Alt+V
as a quick alias for Ctrl+Shift+P
+ Voop
Use Ctrl+Alt+N
as a quick alias for Ctrl+Shift+P
+ Voop: Transformation Result in new File
Select multiple files in the VSCode Explorer and right-click (opens context menu) + click Voop
to execute scripts on multiple files at once. Modifications done via this operation can be turned back by using Ctrl+Shift+P
+ Voop: Undo last multifile action (last 5 max)
or also via the context menu.
You can add keyboard shortcuts to execute scripts directly, Voop
guides you on how to it with the command Voop: Add Key Binding to execute a Script directly
Voop is a way to execute Boop scripts directly in VSCode. It was created based on the idea and the scripts of Boop, which is a scriptable scratchpad that allows you to run any transformations on your text using the built-in or your self-written .js scripts.
Voop can accept user input after script selection if needed. As an example how to accept it, check the JoinLines script.
Voop scripts can also be executed on multiple files at once using the context menu.
Also Voop has script native multi-file support to use multiple file contents as an input, where the result will be opened in a new file. An example how this can be used is the CombineFiles script.
Documentation on how to develop custom scripts: Custom Script Development
You can set a local custom scripts folder and GitHub repositories as additional source for scripts in your VSCode User Settings (search for voop).
An example of a custom script GitHub repository that can be added:
- Clone or download a copy of the repository
- Open the repo in vscode
- Press
to open a new window with your extension loaded.