CI/CD tool to generate Bill-of-Materials reports in SPDX format.
Status: Experimental research prototype
- Description
- Installation
- Usage
- How to test the software
- Known issues
- Contact / Getting help
- License
- Credits and references
Converts project dependencies into a standard SPDX tag-value Software Bill-of-Materials file, optionally integrating externally collected and curated license details.
A Bill-of-Materials can be generated from various types of inputs:
From the output of the OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) Analyzer tool, optionally in combination with scanned licences provided by License Scanning Service or the BOM-Base metadata harvesting service. (See ORT mode usage)
From the REST API of a Synoptic Black Duck SCA server. (See Black Duck mode usage)
From the "tree" output of many build environments, in combination with metadata from a BOM-Base metadata harvesting service. (See Tree mode usage)
Build the application using the standard gradle command:
./gradlew clean install
Then make the resulting files from the build/install/spdx-builder/bin
available in the path.
Alternatively the application can be run directly from Gradle:
./gradlew run --args="ort -c .spdx-builder.yml <command> <parameters>"
The commandline application has usage instructions built-in
spdx-builder --help
Separate usage details are found per mode for: ort mode ,blackduck mode, and tree mode.
NOTE: This application requires Java 11 or higher.
It is possible to automatically upload the generated SDPX file to a server. This
will POST the SPDX file using a multi-part file upload in the file
parameter .
To upload the extracted bill-of-materials from an ORT file to BOM-bar, the invocation becomes:
spdx-builder ort -c <config_yaml_file> -upload=https://<server>:8080/projects/<uuid>/upload <ort_yaml_file>
You can use the SPDX-builder in a GitHub Action. This can be found on The Action performs an ORT scan, pushes the data to SPDX-builder and can use a self-hosted license scanner service and upload service like BOM-Bar.
The unit test suite is run via the standard Gradle command:
./gradlew clean test
A local ORT-based self-test (if ORT is installed locally) can be run by:
./gradlew run --args="ort -c src/test/resources/.spdx-builder.yml src/test/resources/ort_sample.yml"
(Ticked checkboxes indicate topics currently under development.)
- Abort if ORT Analyzer raised errors.
- Support the new (more compact) ORT tree structure. (Currently breaks Gradle projects.)
- Add hashes of build results (where possible).
- (Optionally) Add source artefacts as "GENERATED_FROM" relationship.
- Treat internal (=non-OSS) packages differently for output SBOM.
- Support output "flavors" for the purpose of the generated SBOM.
Other ideas:
- Integration with Quartermaster (QMSTR).
Submit tickets to the issue tracker.
See the architecture document for a detailed technical description.
- The SPDX Specification documents the SPDX file standard.
- The ORT Project provides a toolset for generating and analyzing various aspects of the Bill-of-Materials.